The control, operation and maintenance of the waterworks system owned by the City, located within the City and the adjoining territory, including filtration and treatment plant and facilities, intake pipes, mains, distribution system, reservoirs, meters, office equipment, accounts receivable and such waterworks system complete in every detail and aspect, and the sewerage system as a complete and entire sewerage system located within the City, and the sewers in the adjoining territory outside the City connected to and served by the sewerage system of the City is hereby vested in the Municipal Utility Commission for the purposes stated in this article. Such Commission shall provide for the efficient operation of such waterworks and sewerage system and shall have the authority to provide for the construction, extension, acquisition, improvement, equipment, custody, operation, maintenance, administration and collection of revenues, including the collection of the charges for the use of the sewers and the water rates and charges as now or hereafter provided for by ordinance of Council, and such Commission shall have the authority to employ engineers, architects, managers, inspectors, superintendents, collectors, attorneys and other employees and do all other things necessary or incidental thereto. Such Commission shall have the authority, in its own name, to enter into contracts, to sue and be sued.
(1967 Code Sec. 2-49)