General Provisions
51.01 Discontinuance of service
51.02 Supply from one service
51.03 Turning on water, tapping mains
51.04 Repair of leaks
51.05 Use of fire hydrants
51.06 Private water supply
51.07 Restricted hours
51.08 Permitting use by others
51.09 Access to premises
51.10 [Reserved]
51.11 Private well regulation
51.20 Meters required
51.21 Deposit
51.22 Maintenance
51.23 Complaints: meter testing
51.24 Meters property of city
51.25 Meter reading and inspection
51.26 Commercial consumers within mobile home parks
51.27 Second water meter
51.28 Water connection requirements
Plumbing Regulations
51.40 Service pipes
51.41 Water meter setting
51.42 Location of stop boxes
51.43 Curb stop installations
Water Rates
51.55 Water rate schedule
51.56 Rates for manufactured home parks
51.57 Rates for multi-family dwellings
51.58 Commercial user