(A)   Consideration.
      (1)   For all special events that include a street closure as defined by § 16-301(C) of this chapter, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen shall consider issuance or denial of the application. The City Administrator and his or her staff, including the Chief of Police and the Chief of Fire, shall have considered the application prior to the decision by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and shall make recommendation for or against the approval of the application. The applicant shall be present at all meetings where the application is considered. Failure to appear shall constitute good cause for denial of an application.
      (2)   For all special events that do not include a street closure as defined by § 16-301(C) of this chapter, determination on the issuance or denial of the application may occur by the City Administrator or his/her designate. An applicant shall have the right to request final determination from the Board of Mayor and Aldermen in lieu of consideration from the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall have the right to request final determination from the Board of Mayor and Aldermen in lieu of approval.
   (B)   Calculation. For the purposes of this section, the total number of people shall include all special event participants, workers and attendees.
   (C)   Denial. Applicants must meet the standards for issuance of a permit in order to receive a permit. Additional criteria for denial may include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Failure to submit a complete application with supporting documentation;
      (2)   Previous revocation of a special event permit;
      (3)   Previous convictions by the persons listed in § 16-303(A) of this chapter for any crime involving moral turpitude within the past ten years;
      (4)   A finding that the proposed activity or use will unreasonably interfere with the general public's use and enjoyment of the area at the time of the event or in the future due to repetitive use or damage to a public facility;
      (5)   A finding that the proposed activity or use will unreasonably interfere with or detract from the public health, safety or welfare, or involve violence, crime or disorderly conduct, at least to the extent that can be reasonably foreseen;
      (6)   A finding that the proposed activity or use will entail extraordinary or burdensome expense or emergency operations by the city; or
      (7)   A finding that the proposed activity or use will constitute a nuisance to adjoining property
   (D)   Notice. Written notice of the issuance or denial of a small or large special event permit shall be provided to the applicant within five business days of any final decision. If a permit is denied, said written notice shall state the reasons for denial.