When an owner of any towed-in vehicle protests to the person in charge of the garage or lot against the payment of the fees, provided for by this division, the person in charge shall, upon payment of the fees, issue a receipt therefor marked "Paid Under Protest." Thereupon it shall be the duty of the owner or operator of the garage or lot to safely keep such fees and report such fact to the City Clerk, who shall forthwith cause a complaint to be filed against the owner of such vehicle charging him with causing or contributing to the creation of, or maintenance of, a public nuisance. If, upon trial thereof, such person shall be found not guilty of this offense, it shall be the duty of the operator or owner of the garage or lot to refund to the said person the fees so paid by him under protest.
[Editor's Note: Article 7 was adopted in its entirety by Ordinance No. 389, passed October 7, 1986]
5-701 Traffic Violations Bureau; Establishment
5-702 Traffic Violations Bureau; Duties, Collection and Accounting
5-703 Traffic Violations Bureau; Waiver of Appearance, Guilty Plea; When Acceptable
5-704 Traffic Violations Bureau; Notice of Violation
5-705 Traffic Violations Bureau; Days, Hours of Traffic Violation Bureau
5-706 Traffic Violations Bureau; Issuance of Warrant and Complaint
5-707 Traffic Violations Bureau; Administrative Fee, Definition