   (A)   With respect to highways under its jurisdiction, the City Council may designate any highway, roadway, part of a roadway, or specific lanes upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in one (1) direction at all times or at such times as shall be indicated by traffic control devices.
   (B)   Except for emergency vehicles, no vehicle shall be operated, backed, pushed, or otherwise caused to move in a direction which is opposite to the direction designated by competent authority on any deceleration lane, acceleration lane, access ramp, shoulder, or roadway.
   (C)   A vehicle which passes around a roundabout shall be driven only to the right of the central island while on the circulatory roadway in such roundabout.  
(Ref. 60-6.138 RS Neb.) (Ord. No. 1117, 9/20/22)
Article 3. Prohibitions and Enforcement
   5-301   Littering
   5-302   Signs; Defacing or Interfering with
   5-303   Speed Limits
   5-304   Drunken Driving; Penalty
   5-305   Reckless Driving
   5-306   Careless Driving
   5-307   Driving Abreast
   5-308   Driving in Sidewalk Space
   5-309   Backing
   5-310   Unnecessary Stopping
   5-311   Vehicle; Muffler
   5-312   Emergency; Regulations
   5-313   Police; Refusal to Obey
   5-314   Traffic Citations; Form
   5-315   Traffic Citations; Disposition and Records
   5-316   Traffic Citation; Illegal Cancellation
   5-317   Summons; Destruction
   5-318   Child Passengers; Use of Restraint System or Occupant Protection System
   5-319   Highway Speed Limits
   5-320   Vehicles; Equipment and Maintenance
   5-321   Registration; Operator and Vehicle License
   5-322   Registration; Trailers
   5-323   School Crossing Zones; Overtaking and Passing
   5-324   Engine Braking; Prohibited
   5-325   Traffic Regulations; Vehicle Weight; Prohibitions on Operation of Vehicles
   5-326   Traffic Regulations; Unattended Motor Vehicle
§ 5-301 LITTERING.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to drop, or cause to be left, upon any municipal highway, street, or alley, except at places designated by the Governing Body, any rubbish, debris, or waste, and whosoever shall be guilty of such littering will be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). (Ref. 39-311 RS Neb.)