The body of any animal or fowl, or part thereof, which is to be used for food, shall not be carted or carried through the streets or avenues of the City unless it is covered so as to protect it from dust and dirt. No meat, poultry, game or fish shall be hung or exposed for sale in any street or outside of any shop or store, or in the open windows and doorways thereof, in the City. At all times meat, poultry, game or fish on the market shall be protected from flies, dust and dirt by a glass cover.
   No person shall display any poultry, game or meat of any kind for sale, unless it is protected by glass or other substantial material necessary and to the proper heights, also extending over the counter at least ten inches, so as to keep the general public from handling the different named articles of food before they are sold to them.
(Ord. 3057. Passed 6-23-30.)