(A)   APPROVED means approved by the PMO or by the Springdale official or board authorized to give approval to the matter in question, such as the Chief Building Official, Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, Health Commissioner or Board of Housing, Building and Fire Appeals.
   (B)   BASEMENT means that building portion whose floor level is more than four (4) feet below the elevation of the adjoining finished grade.
   (C)   BATHROOM or TOILET ROOM means a separate room affording privacy which contains a flush water closet and lavatory. Bathrooms may also contain bathtub or shower facilities.
   (D)   BOARD means the Board of Housing, Building and Fire Appeals as created and empowered in §§ 36.30 to 36.35 of the Springdale Code of Ordinances.
   (E)   BUILDING means any roofed structure used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, property or any combination thereof, but excluding any vehicle, tent or air-supported structure.
   (F)   DE MINIMUS VIOLATION means a violation of the Property Maintenance Code which has no direct or immediate relationship to safety or health.
   (G)   DWELLING means a building, including an industrialized unit as approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, which is affixed to a foundation, or any part thereof, which is occupied for residential purposes.
      (1)   SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING means a building with one dwelling unit.
      (2)   TWO-FAMILY DWELLING means a building with two dwelling units, each family living independently of each other.
      (3)   MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING means a building with three or more dwelling units, each family living independently of each other.
   (H)   DWELLING UNIT means a group of rooms occupied by a single-family and consisting of living, sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitary facilities. The words DWELLING UNIT, CONDOMINIUM UNIT, CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOUSE UNIT, LANDOMINIUM UNIT, APARTMENT UNIT, TOWNHOUSE UNIT and SUITE shall be considered synonymous.
   (I)   EXTERMINATION means elimination of insects, rodents or other pests by spraying, trapping or approved poisoning or fumigating, or by elimination of access, harborage places, food sources or by other approved methods.
   (J)   EXTERIOR PROPERTY AREAS mean open space on the premises under the control of the owner, operator or occupant of such premises.
   (K)   FAMILY means:
      (1)   One or two individuals; or
      (2)   Two or more individuals all of whom are related by blood, marriage, adoption or foster parent custody, and who live as a single housekeeping unit.
   (L)   FIRE HAZARD means any material or condition which causes, contributes to or increases the hazard of fire to a greater degree than that recognized customary or normal by the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, or that which reduces, obstructs, hinders or delays fire protection, fire prevention, suppression or extinguishment.
   (M)   GARBAGE means animal, vegetable, fruit or mineral waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
   (N)   HABITABLE ROOM means a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, sleeping or eating purposes, including kitchens containing eating space separate from the cooking areas, but excluding kitchens, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundries, pantries, dressing rooms, closets, storage spaces, foyers, hallways, utility rooms, heater rooms, boiler rooms and basement recreation rooms.
   (O)   HOTEL or MOTEL means a building complying with Ohio requirements where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay to transient guests. The words "hotel" and "motel" are synonymous.
   (P)   INFESTATION means the presence within or around any pool of water, waste, waste container, building, bird feeder or any other structure of insects, rodents or other pests.
   (Q)   JUNK MOTOR VEHICLE means any vehicle which does not display current license plates and is not roadworthy or restored to a roadworthy condition within seventy-two hours, as required by the Springdale Zoning Code.
   (R)   LANDSCAPING MATERIAL means all material customarily used in residential landscaping, including, but not limited to, topsoil, sand, gravel, stone, landscape timbers, railroad ties, or any other similar material.
   (S)   MAINTENANCE means the acts of servicing or repair to any building, structure or service equipment, or to the exterior property areas, to continue or improve its condition so as not to be substandard.
   (T)   MULCH means landscape waste and crop production byproducts consisting of leaves, grass clippings, weeds, yard trimmings, wood waste, branches and stumps, and whole plants/trees, that have been ground to a reduced particle size.
   (U)   OCCUPANT means a person occupying a dwelling unit or rooming unit for residential purposes, or occupying space on a premises for the conduct of a trade, service, profession, business, industry or other similar nonresidential purpose.
   (V)   OPERATOR means a person who has charge, care or control of any building, structure, premises or part thereof.
   (W)   OUTDOOR WOOD FIRED BOILER, OUTDOOR WOOD FIRED FURNACE means a wood burning appliance or device located outside of a dwelling or garage or principal building which heats water or another substance to provide heat or hot water to the dwelling, garage or principal building. Any such device which burns other types of solid fuels shall also be considered an outdoor wood fire boiler or outdoor wood fired furnace.
   (X)   OWNER means the owner of the premises, or one of the owners of the premises if owned by more than one person, including the holder of title thereto subject to contract of purchase, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a lessee or joint lessees of the whole thereof, or an agent or any other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary directly in control of the premises.
   (Y)   PERSON means an individual, firm, partnership, association, joint venture, corporation, trust, or any other legal entity, including his or its agents.
   (Z)   PLUMBING means the practice, materials and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance, extension and alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances and appurtenances.
   (AA)   PLUMBING FIXTURE means a receptacle or device which is either permanently or temporarily connected to the water distribution system of a building, and demands a supply of water therefrom; or discharges used water, liquid-borne waste materials or sewage, either directly or indirectly to the drainage system of the premises; or which requires both a water supply connection and a discharge to the drainage system of the building.
   (BB)   PREMISES means a lot, parcel or plot of land including the buildings or structures thereon.
   (CC)   PUBLIC AREA means that space in a premises which is open to the use of the public or the building occupants in general.
   (DD)   ROOMING HOUSE means any dwelling or part thereof containing a rooming unit.
   (EE)   ROOMING UNIT means any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used for living and sleeping.
   (FF)   RUBBISH means combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage; and includes in part without limitation the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke and other combustible material, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, broken glass, glass crockery, tires, junk motor vehicle parts, construction debris and dust and ashes.
   (GG)   SECONDARY OR APPURTENANT STRUCTURE means a structure, the use of which is incidental or accessory to that of the main building and which is attached to the main building or located on the same premises with it, including retaining walls, fences and exterior walks and steps.
   (HH)   SPACE HEATER means a self-contained above floor device for furnishing heated air through openings in its casing, directly into the space in which the device is located or immediately adjacent to it. A space heater may be free-standing or recessed in a wall or partition.
   (II)   STRUCTURE means that which is constructed on or under the ground or attached or connected thereto, including, but not limited to: buildings, barriers, bridges, bulkheads, chimneys, fences, garages, outdoor seating facilities, parking areas, platforms, pools, poles, streets, tanks, tents, towers, sheds, signs, walls and walks. The term “Structure” shall include all mobile homes, boats, or trailers in this chapter, except those resting on wheels.
   (JJ)   SUPPLIED means paid for, furnished or provided by or under the control of the owner or operator.
   (KK)   WASTE means all garbage, rubbish or other discarded material but excluding industrial by-products or any toxic, explosive or poisonous material or substances.
(Ord. 56-1987, passed 10-21-87; Am. Ord. 18-2003, passed 5-7-03; Am. Ord. 8-2007, passed 2-21-07; Am. Ord. 4-2012, passed 1-18-12)