(a) Basis for Wastewater Service Charges. The wastewater service charge for the use of, and for services supplied by, the Municipal wastewater collection and treatment system, shall consist of a charge for collection and a charge for treatment. Such charges shall be established to defray the cost of administration, operation, maintenance, major replacement and debt service.
(b) Collection System Charges. The collection system charge shall consist of a minimum charge plus a use charge based on flow.
(c) Treatment System Charges. The treatment system charge for normal domestic sewage and for discharges that are less than 600 mg/l COD and less than 225 mg/l suspended solids and that contain no incompatible pollutants shall consist of a flow charge.
The treatment system charge for wastewater that is greater than 600 mg/l COD or greater than 225 mg/l suspended solids or that has a rate of discharge greater than 25,000 gallons per day shall consist of a flow charge, a surcharge and/or an industrial cost recovery charge, as applicable.
The surcharge shall consist of a cost per pound in excess of the limits stated in this subsection as determined by the amount of increased cost to the system to treat these flows. Other waste characteristics shall be surcharged if they increase the cost of wastewater treatment in excess of that for the treatment of normal sewage. Such surcharges shall be determined by the Engineer in accordance with applicable Federal standards.
(d) Review of Wastewater Service Charges. The adequacy of the charge system shall be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary in order to collect sufficient revenues to administer, operate and maintain the system, to retire the debt and to build a replacement fund as defined by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended.
(e) Measurement of Flow.
(1) The volume of flow used for computing user charges and surcharges shall, to the extent practical, be the metered water consumption.
(2) If the user discharging wastes into the public sewers procures any part or all of his, her or its water from sources other than the public water works system, all or a part of which is discharged into the public sewers, he, she or it shall install and maintain, at his, her or its own expense, water meters of a type approved by the Municipality for the purpose of determining the volume of water obtained from such other sources.
(3) Devices for measuring the volume of waste discharged may be required by the Municipality if such volume cannot otherwise be determined from the metered water consumption records.
(4) Metering devices for determining the volume of waste shall be installed, owned and maintained by the Municipality or by a party designated by the Municipality.
(f) Computation of Surcharges. The concentration of wastes used for computing surcharges shall be established by waste sampling. Waste sampling shall be performed as often as may be deemed necessary by the Municipality or its representative and shall be binding as a basis for surcharges.
(g) Computation of Wastewater Service Charges. The wastewater service charge shall be computed by the following formula:
Wastewater Service Charge =
M + Q (UC) + SUR + ICR
where: M = System minimum charge per billing period
Q = Billing period flow
UC = User charge for operation, maintenance and replacement
SUR= Surcharge
ICR = Industrial cost recovery charge (Ord. 88-10. Passed 2-4-88.)
(h) Establishment of Charges. The charges referenced in this subsection are established as the charges for the Municipal collection and treatment system. Wastewater service charges for the period beginning with the May 1, 1988 meter reading as reflected on the monthly billing issued in June, 1988, shall be as set forth in the Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05
of Chapter 1464
of the Building and Housing Code of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 93-46. Passed 7-1-93; Ord. O-24-6. Passed 3-7-24.)
(i) Operation, Maintenance and Recovery Costs. Each user shall pay their proportionate share of operation, maintenance and recovery costs. Each user shall be notified at least annually, in conjunction with the regular billing statement, of the rate and portion of the sewer service charge which is attributable to Operation, Maintenance and Recovery cost for wastewater treatment services. (Ord. 93-69. Passed 11-4- 93.)
(Ord. O-20-31. Passed 10-1-20.)