(a) The rates and fees for services and permits of the City of Springboro are as follows:
A. License fees for bowling alleys/pool or billiard tables:
1. per table: $178.00
2. for the first alley: $44.50
3. for each additional alley: $17.75
B. License fees for circus, carnivals, sideshows, etc.
1. for the first day: $90.00
2. for each additional day: $45.00
3. per week, whichever is less: $266.00
C. License fees per year for taxicabs per cab: $139.00
D. License fee per week for temporary purchaser: $691.00
E. License fee per week for itinerant vendor: $691.00
F. License fee per year for hand peddlers: $691.00
G. License fee per year for peddlers from hand drawn vehicles: $691.00
H. License fee per year for peddlers from non-hand drawn vehicles: $691.00
I. Service Charge - Bad Checks $44.50
J. Photocopying
1. per page (Duplicating Cost) $0.10
2. 11 x 17 copies per page $0.25
3. 24" x 36" plans copies per page $2.00
K. Dangerous animal permit fee:
1. One dangerous animal $37.50
2. Two dangerous animals $46.50
L. Fireworks permit fee $44.50
(2) BUILDING/ZONING DEPARTMENT. All residential permits are subject to actual permit costs plus 1% State of Ohio fee. All commercial permits are subject to actual permit costs plus 3%.
A. Rooming house license fees:
1. Living area with one roomer $26.50
2. Living area with two roomers $44.50
3. Living area with three roomers $54.00
4. Living area with four roomers $63.00
B. Building and Zoning inspection fee $45.00
C. Antenna permit fee $141.00
D. Residential Swimming Pools: (Does not include electrical permit)
1. Permanent Pool Fee $100.00
2. Storable Pool Fee Per Year $26.75
E. Personal Wireless Service Facilities
1. Permit Application $1,311.00
2. Renewal Fee $393.00
F. Park and Playground fee $1,500.00
G. Fence Permit $45.00
H. Residential Construction One, two and three family - New Construction Permits
1. Base Fee $396.00
2. Per Unit Fee $100.00
3. Non-Living Area per 100 sq. ft. $5.59
4. Living Area per 100 sq. ft. $16.76
5. Residential Plan Review $28.25
6. Footing/Foundation only $100.00
I. Commercial Construction
New Construction/Additions Permits
1. Base Fee $150.00
2. Plus, per 100 sq. ft. $45.00
3. Footing/Foundation only $150.00
J. Zoning Permit: $45.00
K. Residential Accessory Structures: Including but not limited to sheds, detached garages, gazebos & pergolas
1. Base Fee $80.00
2. Plus per square foot fee $0.15
L. Deck Permit:
1. Base Fee $80.00
2. Plus per square foot fee $0.20
M. Remodeling/Addition Fees:
1. Residential
a. Base Fee $80.00
b. Plus per square foot fee $0.25
c. Where square footage is not obtainable:
i. Base Fee $80.00
ii. Up to $5,000.00 estimated cost of repair/remodel, except for small projects $37.50
iii. $5,001.00-$10,000.00 estimated cost of repair/remodel $48.25
iv. $10,001.00 and over estimated cost of repair/remodel $60.00
v. For each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over $10,000.00 $9.75
d. Per Required Inspection $20.00
2. Commercial
a. Base Fee $150.00
b. Plus per 100 square feet fee $35.00
c. Where square foot is not obtainable:
i. Base Fee $150.00
ii. $1,000.00-$5,000.00 estimated cost of repair/remodel, except for small projects $37.50
iii. $5,001.00-$10,000.00 estimated cost of repair/remodel $48.25
iv. $10,001.00 and over estimated cost of repair/remodel $60.00
v. For each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof over $10,000.00 $9.75
d. Per required inspection $45.00
N. Board of Zoning Appeals
1. Application review/variance $195.00
2. Application review/appeal $133.00
O. Electrical permits:
1. Residential
a. Base Fee $80.00
b. Plus per square foot fee $0.04
c. Where square foot is not obtainable: Base Fee $80.00
d. Temporary Pole $90.00
e. Service Charge/Recon $125.00
f. Swimming Pool $175.00
g. Hot Tub $140.00
h. Per Required Inspection $20.00
2. Commercial
a. Base Fee $150.00
b. Plus per 100 square feet fee $5.00
c. Where square footage is not obtainable: Base Fee $150.00
d. Temporary Pole $90.00
e. Service Charge/Recon $180.00
f. Per Required Inspection $45.00
P. HVAC Permit.
1. Residential
a. Base Fee $80.00
b. Plus per square foot fee $0.08
c. Replacement $100.00
d. Duct Extension $100.00
2. Commercial
a. Base Fee $150.00
b. Plus per 100 square foot fee $4.50
c. Where square footage is not obtainable: Base Fee $150.00
d. Per Required Inspection $45.00
e. Replacement: Per Unit $200.00
Q. Gas Line Permit
1. Reside ntial $127.50
2. Commercial Base Fee $127.50
3. Per Appliance Connection $40.00
R. Plan Review Fees:
1. Commercial Base Fee:
a. 0-1 hr. $0.00
b. Over 1 hr. - 3 hrs $96.00
c. Over 3 hrs $234.00
2. Per Hour Fee for Plans Examiner $90.00
S. Fire
1. Alarm Permit Fee Base Fee $150.00
2. Per Device Fee $4.50
3. Fire Suppression Permit Fee: Base Fee $150.00
4. Per 100 square foot affected area $2.50
T. Commercial Kitchen
1. Hood Permit Fee: Base Fee $150.00
2. Per Hood Fee $57.50
3. Hood Suppression System Base Fee $118.50
4. Per Additional System $44.50
U. Sign Permit fees. Please note: If there is any electric required, a separate electrical permit is required.
1. Processing Fee $37.50
2. Normal installation permit
a. 0 - 15 square ft. (Minimum) $41.25
b. over 15 square ft. Minimum amount plus: $2.00 per sq.
V. Administrative Appeal $140.00
W. Sign Variance Application $142.00
X. Reinspection/Special Inspection/Call Back Inspection
1. Residential $75.00
2. Commer cial $125.00
Y. Permit Extension Fee $100.00
Z. Flood Hazard Area Permits
AA. Basic filing charge for Proposed Developments Floodplain - Application (See Section 1448.03(c)) $355.00
A. Water Tap in Fees:
1. Multi-family dwellings:
a. First four units, each $4,128.00
b. Additional units, each $2,750.00
2. Business/Industrial and Single Family Residences:
Meter Size:
1 inch or less $4,128.00
1 ½ inches $4,817.00
2 inches $5,505.00
2 ½ inches $6,195.00
3 inches $6,883.00
4 inches $8,257.00
6 inches $11,012.00
8 inches $13,761.00
10 inches $16,516.00
12 inches $19,270.00
B. Water Mains:
1. Flushing
a. 1st trip $0.00
b. Each return trip $344.00
c. For each test required: $37.25
2. Setting fee:
a. 1st trip $48.00
b. Each return trip $48.00
c. 5/8" or less x 3/4" per meter price (includes meter and MTU) $344.00
d. over 5/8" x 3/4" per meter price (includes MTU only, customer supplies meters) $139.00
C. Water lateral inspection fee $45.00
D. Water turn-on fee $46.00
E. Water shut-off fee $46.00
F. Water system capacity fee per ERU $1,400.00
G. Water rates, per 1,000 gallons monthly charges:
1. Customers within the City:
Minimum $13.00
Usage from 0-1,999 gallons $6.09
Usage from 2,000-3,999 gallons $6.15
Usage from 4,000-16,999 gallons $5.61
Usage from 17,000-166,999 gallons $5.04
Usage over 167,000 gallons $4.98
2. Water users outside the City:
a. Richard's Run Water Service except for customers on Red Lion Five-Points Rd, from SR73 to Bunnell Hill Rd (39 customers) and in the Greens Subdivision on Maple/Dogwood Sts., from Willow Dr to Laurel Glen Dr. (29 customers) R-04-77: Same charge and usage rate as City Customers.
b. Richard's Run Water Service customers on Red Lion Five-Points Rd., from SR73 to Bunnell Hill Rd. (39 customers) and in the Greens Subdivision on Maple/Dogwood Sts., from Willow Dr. to Laurel Glen Dr. (29 customers) R-04-77: Billed at water rates established by County for County water customers. City shall retain all such water fees collected.
c. Richard's Run Water Service customers that are in the Richards' Run Sewer Improvement Area receiving City sewer. R-04-77: Billed by City at water rates established by County for County water customers. City shall forward County all such fees collected, less 2.5% which shall be retained by the City for these services.
d. City Retail Water Service Area - unincorporated portion of Clearcreek Township on the west side of SR741, from the corporation line at the Springboro High School southwardly approximately 2,300 "to a point approximately 530" north of Red Lion Five-Points Rd. (consisting currently of 12 parcels). Water rate for structures existing as of April 25, 2006 (12) shall be 120% of the rate established for water customers within the City.
i. Minimum $15.60
ii. Usage from 0-1,999 gal $7.31
iii. Usage from 2,000-3,999 gal $7.38
iv. Usage from 4,000-16,999 gal $6.73
v. Usage from 17,000-166,999 gal $6.05
vi. Usage over 167,000 gal $5.98
e. City Retail Water Service Area - unincorporated portion of Clearcreek Township on the west side of SR741, from the corporation line at the Springboro High School southwardly approximately 2300 "to a point approximately 530" north of Red Lion Five-Points Rd. (consisting currently of 12 parcels). Water rate for structures existing as of April 25, 2006 (12) shall be 120% of the rate established for water customers within the City.
i. Minimum $15.60
ii. Usage from 0-1,999 gal $7.31
iii. Usage from 2,000-3,999 gal $7.38
iv. Usage from 4,000-16,999 gal $6.73
v. Usage from 17,000-166,999 gal $6.05
vi. Usage over 167,000 gal $5.98
f. City Retail Water Service Area - unincorporated portion of Clearcreek Township on the west side of SR741, from the corporation line at the Springboro High School southwardly approximately 2300 "to a point approximately 530" north of Red Lion Five-Points Rd. (consisting currently of 12 parcels). Water rate for structures constructed after April 25, 2006 (12) shall be 150% of the rate established for water customers within the City.
i. Minimum $19.50
ii. Usage from 0-1,999 gal $9.14
iii. Usage from 2,000-3,999 gal $9.23
iv. Usage from 4,000-16,999 gal $8.42
v. Usage from 17,000-166,999 gal $7.56
vi. Usage over 167,000 gal $7.47
H. Water jumper use penalty $344.00
I. Temporary Water Service - Construction $139.00
J. Irrigation System Inspection fee $45.00
K. Sewer tap-in fees:
1. Multi-family dwellings:
a. First four units, each $3,785.00
b. Additional units, each $2,066.00
2. Business/Industrial and Single- family residences:
Meter size:
1 inch or less $3,785.00
1 ½ inches $4,403.00
2 inches $5,093.00
2 ½ inches $5,783.00
3 inches $6,468.00
4 inches $7,845.00
6 inches $10,594.00
8 inches $13,350.00
10 inches $16,102.00
12 inches $18,855.00
L. Sewer lateral inspection fee $45.00
M. Wastewater service charges:
1. Minimum charge for customer within the City per monthly billing period
(Includes customers inside Woodland Greens) $34.00
2. User charge for operation, maintenance and replacement, per 1,000 gallons
(Includes customers inside Woodland Greens) $1.88
3. Minimum charge for users outside the City per month (Except customers inside
Woodland Greens) $42.50
4. User charge for operation, maintenance and replacement per 1,000 gallons (Except customers
Inside Woodland Greens) $2.35
N. Permit fee for private sewage disposal system $189.00
O. Monthly Trash Collection rates $17.50
P. Commercial license per yr. - trash collection $178.00
A. Activity Permit Per Day $68.00
A. Conventional Zoning:
1. Application for rezoning fee $929.00
2. Application for variance to approved lot in PUD $139.00
3. Application for Technical Review Meetings $0.00
4. Application for site plan review.
Non-residential developments:
a. first 5,000 square feet or fraction of $400.00
b. each additional 10,000 sq. ft. or fraction of $250.00
c. maximum fee $1,500.00
B. Residential Annexation Petition $691.00
C. Application for site plan review: Residential Developments: residential site plans greater than two single family dwellings
a. 1st four lots or dwelling units or fraction of $400.00
b. each additional lot or dwelling unit $40.00
c. maximum $1,500.00
D. Application for Revision to Approved Site Plan Review $339.00
E. Application for Subdivision Regulation Concept Plan $137.00
F. Application for Subdivision Regulation
Preliminary Subdivision $70.00
1. PLUS per lot fee: $7.50
G. Application for Subdivision Regulation Record Plan $70.00
1. PLUS per lot fee $7.50
H. Application for Lot Split $150.00
I. Planned Unit Developments:
1. Application for Technical Review Meeting $0.00
2. Application for PUD-Residential,
a. Step 1 (Amendment to Zoning Maps, General Plan) $2,000.00
b. Step 2 (Final Development Plan) $500.00
c. Step 3 (Record Plan) $70.00
i. PLUS per lot $7.50
3. Application for non-residential PUD,
a. Step 1 (Amendment to Zoning Maps, General Plan) $2,000.00
b. Step 2 (Final Development Plan)
i. first 5,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $400.00
ii. each additional 10,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $250.00
iii. maximum $1,500.00
c. Step 3 (Record Plan)
i. first 5,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $400.00
ii. each additional 10,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $250.00
iii. maximum $1,500.00
4. Application for Minor Revision to Approved General Plan, Minor Revision to Approved Final Development Plan, Major Revisions to Final Development Plan, All Revisions to Record Plan, all types of PUD $400.00
5. Application for major revision to Approved General Plan $1,500.00
6. Application for utility structure permit $90.00
7. Application for solar energy system permit $0.00
A. Review of construction drawings 1.5% of construction costs as estimated by City Engineer's Office
B. Construction Inspection of Public Improvement fee
1. $41.25 per hour or part thereof during regular business hours
2. $62.00 per hour or part thereof any other time
C. Professional Service Consultant Fees Actual cost plus 3% (e.g.: traffic study)
D. Other Fees:
1. City Maps $5.00
2. GIS Print $5.00
3. Right of Way Permit Review Fee $54.00
4. Certificate of Registration $54.00
5. Application for Certificate of Registration for Small Cell; one-time fee per micro wireless small cell facility. $250.00*
*fee shall adjust 10% every five years, rounded to the nearest $5.00 commencing January 2024.
A. Permit to move an oversize/weight vehicle on local streets/hig hways $21.00
B. Police supervision for the movement of vehicle, per hour $34.75
C. Towing Charge:
1. Vehicles with a laden gross weight of 15,000 pounds or less $126.00
2. Vehicles with a laden gross weight of more than 15,000 pounds $178.00
D. Storage charge (per day)
1. Vehicles with a laden gross weight of 15,000 pounds or less: $14.25
2. Vehicles with a laden gross weight of more than 15,000 pounds: $21.50
E. Fingerprint ing $13.50
F. Record Checks
1. In Person $11.25
2. Via Mail $13.50
G. Tape Recordings - copies $13.50
H. Offense and Accident Reports:
1. 1st Page $4.25
2. Each Additional Page $1.00
I. Sexually Oriented Businesses
1. Permit Application Fee $393.00
2. Annual Business Permit Fee $1,311.00
3. Business Employee License $33.00
J. Computerized Internet Sweepstakes Cafe
1. Permit $2,821.00
2. Per Device: $39.25
K. Massage Service Establishment
1. Application (842.01(a)) $101.00
2. Individual (842.01(b)) $101.00
(Ord. O-24-6. Passed 3-7-24.)