(A)   Building and Zoning Officer. The Building and Zoning Officer (combined) shall be appointed by the Council.
   (B)   Cemetery Superintendent. The City Council shall employ a suitable person to act as Cemetery Superintendent, who shall be responsible for the management and supervision of the municipal cemetery grounds, equipment and property, as provided by this code, and who shall at all times be subject to the direction of the City Parks and Recreation Director.
   (C)   City Attorney; Assistant City Attorney.
      (1)   Appointment. The City Attorney shall be appointed by the Council.
      (2)   Compensation. The City Attorney shall be paid an annual retainer as fixed from time to time by resolution of the City Council payable in quarterly installments in January, April, July and October of each year. The City Attorney’s retainer shall be compensation for attendance upon the meetings of the Council, for providing oral and routine legal advice to city officers and administrators and in retention of the legal services of the City Attorney to the exclusion of any representation conflicting with the city’s interests. For all legal services not covered by the retainer, including written opinions, preparation of contracts, documents, resolutions, ordinances and agreements, representation of the city and its officers and administrative staff in their official capacities and for appearing, prosecuting and defending the city in any litigation or administrative proceedings in which the city may be involved, the City Attorney shall receive reasonable and customary per diem fees.
      (3)   Assistant City Attorney. The City Council may also appoint an Assistant City Attorney. The Assistant City Attorney shall perform the duties of the City Attorney as directed and delegated by the City Attorney or the Mayor and Council, subject to the supervision of the City Attorney. The Assistant City Attorney shall be compensated in the same manner as the City Attorney; except, that no retainer for meeting attendance should be paid.
   (D)   City Clerk.
      (1)   Appointment. The City Clerk shall be appointed by the Council.
      (2)   Bond. The bond for the City Clerk shall be in the amount of $50,000.
   (E)   City Manager; Deputy City Manager.
      (1)   City Manager.
         (a)   Appointment. The City Manager for the city shall be appointed by a majority vote of all members of the Council, shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council and shall be subject to removal and termination by majority vote of all members of the Council, and subject to the provisions and protections of Iowa Code § 372.4.
         (b)   Qualifications. The City Manager shall be a person competent by education and/or experience to perform the duties imposed upon such position. The City Manager shall:
            1.   Possess a college degree in public administration and have three years of experience as a City Manager or shall have a minimum of eight years’ practical experience as a City Manager;
            2.   Following appointment, reside within the corporate limits of the city;
            3.   Devote full time to the diligent and faithful performance of duties hereunder and shall not, during the term as City Manager, engage in any other employment or self-employment activities or endeavors nor hold any other office or position, except with the approval of the Council, by motion; and
            4.   Not, during the term as City Manager, hold any position as officer or director of any for profit organization which does business or carries on any activities in the city, nor shall the City Manager own more than 5% of the outstanding stock of any corporation which does business or carries on activities within the city.
      (2)   Deputy City Manager/Finance Officer. The Council may appoint and designate a Deputy City Manager/Finance Officer who shall assist and support the City Manager in the performance of the Manager’s duties, who shall temporarily perform the obligations and exercise the authority of the City Manager in the absence of the City Manager, and who shall monitor the overall financial position and financial functions of the city, in coordination with the City Manager.
   (F)   Electrical Inspector.
      (1)   Appointment, qualifications and duty. The Electrical Inspector shall be appointed by the City Council and shall:
         (a)   Have knowledge of the standard materials and methods used in electrical work;
         (b)   Have administrative ability adequate for the performance of his or her duties;
         (c)   Know and understand the approved methods of construction with regard to safety to persons and property, the statutes of the state relating to electrical work and any order, rules or regulations issued by authority of the statutes and of the National Electrical Code, as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association;
         (d)   Administer and enforce applicable statutes, ordinance, codes and regulatory provisions; and
         (e)   Make such inspections and issue such permits as are required.
      (2)   Association membership. The Electrical Inspector shall hold membership in the International Association of Electrical Inspectors. With the approval of the City Manager, the Electrical Inspector shall serve on any committee of the association to which he or she may be appointed. Membership dues, assessments and necessary expenses in connection with such activities shall be paid by the city.
      (3)   Conflict of interest. The Electrical Inspector shall not engage in the business of the sale, installation or maintenance of electrical equipment, either directly or indirectly, and the electrical inspector shall have no financial interest in any entity engaged in such business in the city.
   (G)   Fire Chief.
      (1)   Selection and employment. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be selected and employed by the City Council.
      (2)   Hours and compensation. The Chief of the Fire Department may be either a full-time or part-time employee or a volunteer, at the discretion of the Council, and the working hours and compensation of the Chief of the Fire Department shall be established by Council resolution.
   (H)   Plumbing Inspector.
      (1)   Appointment, qualifications and duties. The Plumbing Inspector shall be appointed by the City Council and shall:
         (a)   Have knowledge of the standard materials and methods used in plumbing work;
         (b)   Have administrative ability adequate for the performance of his or her duties;
         (c)   Know and understand the approved methods and materials required in the installation or repair of plumbing, the construction and connection of sewers and drains, and connections of any gas, water or steam heating equipment. The Plumbing Inspector shall have a working knowledge of applicable plumbing codes and regulations;
         (d)   Administer and enforce applicable statutes, ordinances, codes and regulatory provisions; and
         (e)   Make such inspections and issue such permits as are required.
      (2)   Conflict of interest. The Plumbing Inspector shall not engage in the business of the sale, installation, connection, repair or maintenance of any plumbing, sewers, drains, or gas, water or steam heating apparatus, either directly or indirectly, and the Plumbing Inspector shall have no financial interest in any entity engaged in such activity in the city.
   (I)   Chief of Police. The Mayor shall appoint a Chief of Police.
   (J)   Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall be appointed by the Council.
   (K)   Parks and Recreation Director. The Parks and Recreation Director shall be appointed by the Council.
   (L)   Planning Director. The Planning Director shall be appointed by the City Council.
   (M)   Combined appointment. In the discretion of the Mayor and the Council, one individual may be appointed to two or more of the appointive positions described in this section.
   (N)   Director of Golf Operations. The Director of Golf Operations shall be appointed by the Council.
   (O)   Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director is appointed by the Council and is supervised by the City Manager.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-2) (Ord. 8, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 19, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 24, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 28, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 63, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 65.1, passed 12-7-1953; Ord. 15.1, passed 11-7-1955; Ord. 3.1, passed 6-6-1960; Ord. 10.2, passed 9-25-1961; Ord. 166, passed 1-21-1974; Ord. 189, passed 3-12-1976; Ord. 248, passed 11-16-1981; Ord. 255, passed 5-7-1979; Ord. 271, passed 1-3-1983; Ord. 295, passed 5-21-1984; Ord. 309, passed 1-21-1985; Ord. 327, passed 1-6-1986; Ord. 336, passed 5-27-1986; Ord. 387, passed 2-5-1990; Ord. 401, passed 7-1-1991; Ord. 413, passed 4-20-1992; Ord. 424, passed 8-17-1992; Ord. 426, passed 9-8-1992; Ord. 508, passed 1-4-1999; Ord. 533, passed 7-17-2000; Ord. 666, passed 6-2-2008; Ord. 693, passed 11-2-2009; Ord. 720, passed 6-20-2011; Ord. 850, passed 9-16-2019; Ord. 873, passed 12-20-2021; Ord. 893, passed 7-18-2022)
   Building and Zoning Officer, see § 150.001
   Cemetery Superintendent, see § 91.04
   City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney, see §§ 31.070 through 31.078
   City Clerk, see §§ 31.015 through 31.020 
   City Manager, see §§ 31.035 through 31.041 
   Deputy City Manager, see §§ 31.055
   Fire Chief, see § 32.282
   Public Works Director, see §§ 31.090 through 31.101