(A)   Custody of plats. The Superintendent or his or her designee shall have the custody of all plats and surveys of the cemeteries and all other papers showing the locations, measurements and boundaries of the lots, mausoleum, columbarium, streets, alleys and cemetery grounds.
   (B)   Sale of interment spaces. The Superintendent shall supervise and approve the sale of all interment spaces. Interment spaces shall be sold on such terms and at such prices as the City Council may establish by resolution. Payment shall be made to the City Clerk, who shall keep accurate records of such sales.
   (C)   Records. The city shall keep accurate records of the owners and descriptions of interment spaces.
   (D)   Supervision of buildings; property.
      (1)   The Superintendent shall have supervision of all buildings, machinery and waterworks systems of the cemeteries. When repairs are necessary, it shall be the Superintendent’s duty to employ suitable persons to make such repairs, and he or she shall report the same and the cost thereof to the Council. He or she shall have charge of the fences and the gates of the cemeteries, as well as the admission of vehicles thereto. He or she shall supervise interment and disinterment; shall have general supervision over the erection of monuments and tombstones; the grading of lots; the streets and alleys; the planting of trees, shrubbery, grasses, flowers and plants, and the care and preservation thereof; and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the City Council.
      (2)   The Superintendent shall keep a complete inventory of the personal property of the city in his or her custody and control. His or her records shall be submitted to the City Council, or to a committee thereof, at any time for examination; and he or she shall make a report of the doings of his or her office whenever required by the City Council.
(Prior Code, 5-4-4) (Ord. 605, passed 5-17-2004)