(a)   Off-Street Parking. In all districts, in connection with every manufacturing business, institutional, recreational, residential, or any other use, there shall be provided, at the time any building or structure is erected or is enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. The number of required off-street parking spaces shall be the number required for the entire building structure.
      (1)   Size and access. Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet exclusive of access drives or aisles and each parking space shall have a minimum width of nine feet. Except in the case of one and two family residences, no parking area provided hereunder shall be established for less than three spaces.
   There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Access drives or driveways shall not be less than ten feet wide. Access to off-street parking shall be limited to several well-defined locations and in no case shall there be permitted unrestricted access along the length of the street or alley upon which the parking area abuts. Access to off-street parking areas for twenty-five or more cars shall be so designed as to provide ingress and egress on two-way traffic streets by right turns only.
      (2)   Number of parking spaces required. The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be as set forth in Table 1 in subsection (a)(4) hereof.
      (3)   Parking for churches, synagogues, and houses of worship. The number of required off-street parking spaces may be eliminated or reduced if there exists within 500 feet of the church, synagogue, or house of worship, public or private parking lots containing a sufficient number of off-street parking spaces to satisfy the requirements of Table 1. The church, synagogue, or house of worship must provide the difference if the number of parking spaces in the private or public lots is below the number required by Table 1. Any spaces provided in public or private lots must be shown to be legally available for worshipers on the day or days of greatest use.
Table 1
Minimum Required off-Street Parking Spaces
A.   Bowling Alleys          Five parking spaces for each alley.
B.   Churches, Synagogues,       One parking space for each five
   and Houses of Worship       permanent seats. When individual seats
                  are not provided, each 20 inches of
                  benches shall be considered one seat.
C.   Community Buildings,       One for each 200 sq. ft. of floor
   Country Clubs, Social       area occupied by all principal and
   Halls, Lodges, Fraternal       accessory structures.
   Organizations and similar uses.
D.   Rooming Houses          One for each rentable unit.
E.   Hotels                One for each two rentable units.
F.   Funeral Homes and          Five for each parlor.
G.   Hospital, Nursing and       One for each three beds.
   Convalescing Homes
H.   Manufacturing, Industrial       One for each 1,000 sq. ft. of floor
   and General Commercial      area.
   Uses not Otherwise
   Specified Herein.
I.   Offices             One space for every 400 sq. ft. of
                  rentable floor area.
J.   Restaurants, Bars, and       One for each three seats.
   Night Clubs
K.   Retail Stores, Store         One for each 300 sq. ft. of floor
   Groups, Shops, etc.          area where the floor area shall exceed
                  1,000 sq. ft,
L.   Schools:
   1.   Senior High Schools       One parking space for every ten
                  classroom seats.
   2.   Elementary and Jr.       One parking space for every fifteen
      High Schools          classroom seats
M.   Wholesale Establishments       One (1) for each 2,000 sq. ft. of floor
   or Warehouses          area.
N.   Auditoriums, Theaters       One for each 3.5 seats.
   and Assembly Halls
O.   Motels             One (1) for each rentable unit.
   (b)   Off-Street Loading. In any district, in connection with every building or building group or part thereof hereafter erected, which is to be occupied by manufacturing or commercial uses or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained, on the same zone lot with such building, off-street loading berths in accordance with the requirement of Table II in subsection (b)(2) hereof.
      (1)   Size and location. Each loading space shall be not less than ten feet in width, thirty-five feet in length, and have a minimum clearance of fourteen feet, and may occupy all or any part of any required yard.
Table II
Required Off-Street Loading Berths
               Square Feet of       Off-Street
Uses                Total Floor Area       Loading Berths
Offices; Hotels;          from 10,000 - 25,000       1
Retail; Commercial;          from 25,001- 40,000          2
Wholesale; Manufacturing       from 40,001- 60,000          3
Storage; and             from 60,001- 100,000       4
Miscellaneous Uses          for each additional
               50,000 or major      1 additional
               fraction thereof
    (c)   Joint Facilities for Parking or Loading. Off-street parking and loading facilities for separate uses may be provided jointly if the total number of spaces so provided is not less than the sum of the separate requirements for each use and provided that all regulations governing the location of accessory spaces in relation to the use served are adhered to.
   (d)   Development and Maintenance of Parking Areas and Structures and Loading Areas. Every parcel of land hereafter used as public or private parking area for five or more cars, or structures used as a parking garage, or loading area, including a commercial parking lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements. Plans for such areas shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission to insure compliance with these regulations.
      (1)   Screening and landscaping. Off-street parking areas and structures for five or more vehicles and off-street loading areas shall be effectively screened by a fence or hedge if located within fifty feet of an R District. Such hedge or fence shall not be less than six feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition without any advertising thereon, Any space between such fence or hedge and the side lot line adjoining premises or the front lot line facing premises in any R District shall be landscaped with grass, hardy shrubs, or evergreen ground cover and maintained in good condition as determined by the Zoning Officer.
      (2)   Minimum distances and setbacks. No off-street loading area or parking area or part thereof for five or more vehicles shall be closer than ten feet to any dwelling, school, hospital, or institution for human care located on an adjoining or adjacent lot.
      (3)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking or loading area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises. Off-street parking facilities for multi-family structures containing four or more families shall be adequately lighted.
      (4)   Drainage. Any off-street parking area and off-street loading area shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water without detriment to surrounding uses.
   (e)   Service Stations, Parking Areas, and Garages.
      (1)   Location of exits and entrances. No gasoline filling station or commercial parking areas or garage for twenty-five or more motor vehicles shall have an entrance or exit for vehicles within 200 feet along the same side of a street on which is located a school, public playground, church, hospital, fire station, public library, or institution for dependents or for children, except where such property is in another block or on another street on which the lot does not abut. Such access shall be not closer to the intersection of any two streets than fifty feet.
      (2)   Location of oil drainage pits and hydraulic lifts. No oil draining pit or hydraulic lift shall be located closer than twenty-five feet to any R district, except when such pit or lift is within a building. Storage tanks are to be located underground.
      (3)   Work area. In any gasoline filling station or other establishment where motor vehicles are serviced or repaired, all repair operations shall be conducted within a building.
         (1977 Code Title 4A.)