Within two years from the date of Step II approval of the preliminary plat, the proprietor shall prepare and submit a final plat containing all the certificates, signatures, and specifications required by the Subdivision Control Act.
   (A)   After the signature of the surveyor, proprietor, County Treasurer, Township Treasurer (if necessary), County Drain Commissioners, and the County Road Commission are obtained, the proprietor shall submit the final plat to the Township Clerk at least two weeks prior to the next regular meeting of the Township Board. The proprietor shall also submit the following:
      (1)   A $20 filing and recording fee as required in Section 241 of the Subdivision Control Act together with a fee as set by resolution of the Township Board;
      (2)   One copy of as-built plans of all completed improvements;
      (3)   All final agreements and deed restrictions;
      (4)   Letters of approval from all applicable agencies or utilities listed in § 155.014(H) stating that improvements have been properly installed and inspected, and inspection fees paid, or that performance bonds or other similar surety have been submitted for uncompleted improvements.
   (B)   The Clerk shall review the final plat and associated material for compliance with all the requirements of § 155.013.
   (C)   If all submissions are found acceptable, the Clerk shall submit the same to the Township Board at its next regular meeting for approval.
   (D)   The Board shall approve or reject said final plat and associated material, and, if approved, shall instruct the Clerk to certify such approval together with the date thereof. When required, the Clerk shall also certify upon the final plat the approval and date of Health Department approval on the approved preliminary plat.
   (E)   The Clerk shall thereupon promptly forward all copies of the final plat to the Clerk of the County Plat Board together with the $20 filing and recording fee.
   (F)   When the final plat is returned by the State Treasurer with a certification of approval, the final plat shall be recorded as a plat of record.
   (G)   If the final plat and associated material are not found acceptable, the Clerk shall so notify the proprietor who shall arrange for correction, modification, or additional guarantees to satisfy the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 93-8, effective 1-20-1994)