(A) After the Township Board has granted Step I approval, the applicant shall submit the preliminary plat to all agencies as required by Sections 112 to 119 of the Subdivision Control Act, as amended.
(B) (1) The plat plan shall then be corrected to reflect the recommendations of the Planning Commission and the above agencies.
(2) The applicant shall then submit the necessary copies of the project plan to the Township Clerk along with a completed application form for Step II approval and any fee established by the Township Board. The applicant shall also submit the following:
(a) Documentation that the above agencies have approved the plat, as applicable;
(b) A copy of any deed restrictions or covenants that will be enforceable against persons using any portion of the plat;
(c) A copy of any preliminary agreements which may be required before final plat approval is granted.
(C) The Clerk shall forward copies of the plan to the Township Planner, Township Attorney, the Township Engineer and others as deemed appropriate, for their review and recommendation.
(D) The Township Board shall review the plat plans along with other submitted materials and the recommendation of the Township Attorney, Engineer and Planner. If the Board determines that all requirements of this chapter have been met, it shall grant Step II approval and shall notify the applicant in writing of this approval. Plat approval shall also be noted on the copy of the plat to be returned to the applicant.
(E) (1) Step II approval shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of approval and guarantees the following rights:
(a) That the general terms and conditions under which Step II approval was granted will not be changed and the applicant may proceed with the installation of required improvements;
(b) That the proprietor may submit all or parts of the Step II approved preliminary plat as a final plat in accordance with the Subdivision Control Act, as amended, and this chapter.
(2) The two year period may be extended if applied for by the proprietor and granted by the township in writing. Written notice of the extension shall be sent by the Township Clerk to the other approving authorities.
(F) If the preliminary plat substantially meets the requirements of this chapter, the Township Board may grant tentative approval of Step II, such approval being conditioned upon the submission of such changes, revisions, or additional materials as is determined to be necessary to complete Step II. Upon the submission of such changes, revisions, or additional material, the preliminary plat shall be granted unconditional Step II approval and the proprietor shall be so notified. Upon the conditions having been met, final Step II approval shall be given. Final Step II preliminary plat approval shall also be noted on the copy of the preliminary plat to be returned to the proprietor.
(G) If the preliminary plat does not meet the requirements of this chapter, the Township Board shall deny Step II approval and so notify the proprietor along with the reasons therefor.
(H) Installation of all plat improvements authorized by Step II approval shall be in accord with the requirement of the appropriate agency or utility having jurisdiction.
(1) Kent County Road Commission: public streets, sidewalks and storm sewers;
(2) Kent County Health Department: wells and septic systems;
(3) Kent County Drain Commission: drains and drainage from the plat;
(4) Village of Sparta and/or Algoma Township: as the case may be, public sanitary sewer and public water;
(5) Consumers Power Company: electrical and street lights;
(6) Michigan Bell Telephone Company: telephone;
(7) Michigan Consolidated Gas Company: gas.
(Ord. 93-8, effective 1-20-1994)