646.01   Use by large groups.
646.02   Application review.
646.03   User agreement.
646.04   Amendments.
646.05   Groups less than 50.
646.06   Village exempted.
646.07   Enforcement.
646.08   Park rules and regulations.
   Whenever it is reasonably anticipated that an event (including concerts, picnics, parties, races, and similar group activities) is planned to be held on Park property which will likely involve attendance at any single point in time by 50 or more persons or involve bounce houses, other entertainment props, or the use of food trucks or catering services, live musical entertainment, or promotion of private business, an Application to hold an Event in the Village Park, attached to Ordinance 2018-36 as Exhibit A, (the "Application") must be completed and submitted to the Mayor or the Mayor's designee by a sponsor or a representative participant in such event. After consideration of the standards set forth in Section 646.02, the Mayor may, in his discretion, conditionally approve or deny the Application. Notice of such conditional approval or denial shall be promptly electronically provided to all council members. Such conditional approval or denial shall become final unless two or more members of council object in writing to the Mayor within 5 business days after such Notice is sent. If two or more council members have timely objected to the Mayor's decision, then the Application shall be held in abeyance until the next regularly scheduled council meeting for further review by council. In such event, approval or denial of the conditional decision will require a Motion adopted by a majority vote of those council members present. Failure to approve or disapprove such Application within 45 days after the date of the Notice shall constitute disapproval.
(Ord. 2018-36. Passed 9-10-18.)
   Review of any Application submitted pursuant to Section 646.01 shall be guided by the following standards:
   (a)   No likely adverse public health and/or safety impacts, including on adjacent properties.
   (b)   No likely adverse environmental impacts on the Park from such event.
   (c)   The terms and conditions of the Conservation Easement applicable to the Park.
   (d)   Prior experience with the Applicant or group, if any. If no prior experience, references may be requested and investigated prior to a decision.
   (e)   Space and date availability.
   (f)   If alcohol will be consumed during the Event as indicated on the application, the Applicant understands and agrees to pay $35 per hour for a minimum of two hours for a police officer to be on site during the Event.
(Ord. 2018-36. Passed 9-10-18; Ord. 2019-56. Passed 10-14-19.)