Review of any Application submitted pursuant to Section 646.01 shall be guided by the following standards:
   (a)   No likely adverse public health and/or safety impacts, including on adjacent properties.
   (b)   No likely adverse environmental impacts on the Park from such event.
   (c)   The terms and conditions of the Conservation Easement applicable to the Park.
   (d)   Prior experience with the Applicant or group, if any. If no prior experience, references may be requested and investigated prior to a decision.
   (e)   Space and date availability.
   (f)   If alcohol will be consumed during the Event as indicated on the application, the Applicant understands and agrees to pay $35 per hour for a minimum of two hours for a police officer to be on site during the Event.
(Ord. 2018-36. Passed 9-10-18; Ord. 2019-56. Passed 10-14-19.)