(A)   Highway. The abandonment of a motor vehicle or other vehicle or part thereof on any highway in this municipality is unlawful and subject to penalties as set forth herein.
   (B)   Private property. The abandonment of a motor vehicle or other vehicles or any part thereof on private or public property, other than a highway, in view of the general public anywhere in this municipality is unlawful, except on property of the owner or bailee of the abandoned vehicle.
   (C)   Owner's property. A motor vehicle or other vehicle or any part, thereof so abandoned on private property shall be authorized for removal by or upon the order of the Police Department of the municipality after waiting a period of seven days or more.
   (D)   Inoperable motor vehicles.
      (1)   Inoperable motor vehicles, whether on public or private property are declared to be a nuisance and subjects the owners for fines to be levied for a failure to obey a notice received from the village, stating that the owner is to dispose of the inoperable motor vehicle.
      (2)   The Village Police Department is authorized to remove, after seven days from the above referred to notice, any inoperable motor vehicle or parts thereof.
      (3)   Nothing in this section shall apply to any motor vehicle that is kept within a building when not in use, to operate historic vehicles over 25 years of age or to a motor vehicle on the premises of a place of business lawfully engaged in the wrecking or junking of motor vehicles.
(ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 4-201) (1994 Code, § 24-7-2) Penalty, see § 10.99