1423.16 FEES.
   (a)   Reasonable fees to receive and process registrations, to schedule and conduct inspections and reinspections, to invoice and collect fees, to issue certificates of compliance, and for other miscellaneous requirements to administer this chapter shall be established by resolution adopted by the City Council and shall be placed on file and made available to the public by the City Clerk's Office.
   (b)   A fee will be charged when an inspector is unable to conduct an inspection because the person responsible for facilitating access was not present to do so, when the inspector is effectively locked out of the area to be inspected, when an inspection is canceled less than 72 hours prior to its scheduled date/time of occurrence, and when an administrative search warrant is necessary to facilitate an inspection.
(Ord. 23-1036. Passed 7-5-23; Ord. 24-1042. Passed 6-5-24.)