(a) Before taking any action concerning non-renewal, revocation or suspension of license the City Administrator, or his/her designated representative, shall serve the licensee by registered return receipt, mailed at least ten days prior to hearing the notice of hearing, which notice shall contain the following:
(1) Date, time and place of hearing.
(2) Notice of the proposed action.
(3) Reasons for the proposed action.
(4) Names of witnesses known at the time who will testify.
(5) A statement that the licensee may be represented by legal counsel, present evidence, testimony and confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses.
(6) A statement requiring the licensee to notify the Southgate City Attorney's Office at least three days prior to the hearing date if licensee intends to contest the proposed actions, and to provide the names of witnesses known at that time who will testify on the licensee's behalf.
(b) Upon completion of the hearing, the City Administrator, or his/her designated representative shall submit to the licensee a written statement of its findings and determination within thirty days.
(c) During the procedure for non-renewal, revocation or suspension, the licensee will be permitted to continue to operate until such time as the findings and determination is served upon the licensee by mail or otherwise ordered by a court.
(Ord. 21-1016. Passed 2-3-21.)