(a)   A person shall not maintain or undertake an earth change governed by this chapter, except in compliance with Part 91 and this chapter. The SESC permit application form and SESC permit form shall contain all information as deemed appropriate, shall be provided at no cost to each applicant by the City Building Department. The City Engineer shall approve or deny an application for SESC permit within 30 days after filing of a complete application for as SESC permit and the payment of the appropriate fees and sureties.
   (b)   A person shall prepare an SESC plan for any earth change that may require an SESC permit. A person shall design the plan to effectively reduce accelerated soil erosion and off-site sedimentation and shall identify factors that may contribute to soil erosion or sedimentation or both. The plan shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   A map or maps at a scale of not more than 200 feet to the inch or as otherwise determined by the City of Southgate. A map shall include a legal description and site location sketch that includes the proximity of any proposed earth change to lakes, streams, regulated wetlands, or all predominant land features; and contour intervals or slope description.
      (2)   A soils survey or a written description of the soil types of the exposed land area contemplated for the earth change.
      (3)   Details for proposed earth changes, including all of the following:
         A.   A description and the location of the physical limits of each proposed earth change.
         B.   A description and the location of all existing and proposed on-site drainage and dewatering facilities.
         C.   The timing and sequence of each proposed earth change.
         D.   The location and description for installing and removing all proposed temporary soil erosion and sediment control measures.
         E.   A description and location of all proposed permanent soil erosion and sediment control measures.
         F.   A program proposal for the continued maintenance of all permanent soil erosion and sediment control measures that remain after project completion, including the designation of the person responsible for the maintenance. Maintenance responsibilities shall become a part of any sales or exchange agreement for the land on which the permanent soil erosion control measures are located.
(Ord. 338. Passed 3-25-81; Ord. 926. Passed 2-16-11.)