(a)   The Department shall issue a fire alarm specialty technician's license to a person not less than twenty years of age who does all of the following:
      (1)   Files a completed application form provided by the Department.
      (2)   Pays the examination fee and passes an examination provided by the Board and the Department.
      (3)   Pays the license fee.
      (4)   Has certification by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technology as an associate engineering technician, level II, or the equivalent as determined by the Board, in the field of fire alarm systems technology.
   (b)   As a condition of renewal of a fire alarm specialty technician's license, the fire alarm specialty technician shall demonstrate the successful completion of a course, approved by the Board, concerning any update or change in the codes relating to fire alarm systems prior to or within twelve months after the adoption of the update or change in that code. This requirement applies only during or after those years that the code is updated or changed by adoption into ordinance.
   (c)   The holder of a fire alarm specialty technician's license shall not qualify for more than one fire alarm contractor's license.
(Ord. 562. Passed 6-15-94.)