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Southgate Overview
Southgate, MI Code of Ordinances
TITLE TWO - Planning
TITLE FOUR - Subdivision Regulations
TITLE SIX - Zoning Code
CHAPTER 1260 General Provisions and Definitions
CHAPTER 1262 Administration, Enforcement and Penalty
CHAPTER 1264 Board of Zoning Appeals
CHAPTER 1266 Districts Generally and Zoning Map
CHAPTER 1268 R-1, R-1A and R-1B One-Family Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1270 R-2 Two-Family Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1272 RM Multiple-Family Residential Districts
CHAPTER 1274 RO Restricted Office Districts
CHAPTER 1276 C-1 Community Business Districts
CHAPTER 1278 C-2 General Business Districts
CHAPTER 1280 C-3 Thoroughfare Service Districts
CHAPTER 1281 Market Center Overlay District
CHAPTER 1282 M-1 Light Industrial-Research Districts
CHAPTER 1284 M-2 Medium Industrial Districts
CHAPTER 1286 MH Mobile Home Districts
CHAPTER 1288 PD Planned Development Districts
CHAPTER 1289 Hotel Overlay District (HOD)
CHAPTER 1290 P-1 Vehicular Parking Districts
CHAPTER 1291 RC Recreational District
CHAPTER 1292 Off-Street Parking and Loading
CHAPTER 1294 General Exceptions
CHAPTER 1296 Nonconforming Uses
CHAPTER 1298 Provisions Relating To All Districts
   A guarantee in the form of a cash deposit, certified check, irrevocable bank letter of credit, surety bond, etc., in a form acceptable to the City, may be required by the City to be provided by a project developer. The amount of such guarantee may be made by the City to cover all improvements not normally covered in a building permit, such as, but not limited to, landscaping, including earth berms; walls; lighting; surfacing of drives; parking; vehicle maneuvering lanes, including acceleration and deceleration lanes; other traffic control and traffic circulation improvements; sidewalks; etc. The guarantee shall include a schedule of costs assigned to the several improvements. Moneys may be released to the applicant in proportion to the work completed and accepted on the various improvements. Any partial release of funds shall leave a balance of not less than ten percent of the guarantee, which balance shall be retained by the City until all work has been completed and subsequently inspected and approved by the City.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   (a)   Generally. Landscape planting screens or landscape plantings required or permitted by this Zoning Code as an alternative to a screen wall or earth berm, and such trees as are required by Chapter 1028 of the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code to be planted in the lawn extension or public way, shall be planted in accordance with an approved planting plan and planted to completion prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the City if the use is ready for occupancy between April 15 and October 21. If a use is ready for occupancy between November 1 and April 14, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued, but all required plantings shall be placed to completion within sixty days after April 14.
   Failure to have such required plantings placed to completion within sixty days after April 14 shall be grounds for termination or revocation of the temporary certificate of occupancy. No additional certificate of occupancy, either temporary or final, shall be issued thereafter until all required landscape plantings are placed to completion.
   All plantings shall be properly planted so as to be in a healthy, growing condition at the commencement of the establishment period. During the specified period of establishment, the contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the plants in a healthy, growing condition, which responsibility shall include watering, cultivation and weed control.
(Ord. 483. Passed 8-29-90.)
   (b)   Required Planting Screens.
      (1)   Wherever in this Zoning Code a landscape planting screen or landscape plantings are required, such landscape planting shall be subject to the following conditions:
         A.   All plant materials shall meet current American Association of Nurserymen standards.
         B.   All plantings shall consist of permanent, living plant materials and, when planted to completion, shall thereafter be maintained in an attractive and presentable condition, free of weeds, refuse and debris, and shall be continuously maintained in a sound, healthy and vigorous growing condition, free of plant diseases and insect pests.
      (2)   Whenever a landscape planting screen is required under this Zoning Code, a detailed planting plan of such screen shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. The planting plan shall indicate, to scale, the location, spacing, starting size and description for each unit of plant material proposed for use within the required screening area. Detailed plans shall be submitted in accordance with the following:
         A.   The minimum scale shall be one inch equals forty feet when submitted with no other drawings. When submitted with a site plan drawn to another scale, the planting plan may be made a part of the site plan or, if submitted separately with a site plan, it shall be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.
         B.   The planting plan shall indicate the location, size, spacing and root type (bare root or balled and burlap) of all plant materials.
         C.   The planting plan shall depict typical straight cross-sections, including slope, height and width of berms, and the type of ground cover, any masonry walls and the height and type of construction of all, including footings, where applicable.
         D.   The planting plan shall depict significant construction details, where applicable, to resolve specific site conditions (e.g. tree wells to preserve existing trees, culverts to maintain natural drainage patterns, etc.).
         E.   The planting plan shall indicate existing tree cover that is to be used in conjunction with or in place of the screen planting requirements of this Zoning Code, including types of trees and overall tree height.
      (3)   Cost estimates covering all new plantings contained on the planting plan, together with a surety acceptable to the City, other than a bond, in an amount sufficient to ensure completion within the time specified and in accordance with the planting plan, shall be submitted with the detailed planting plan.
      (4)   The planting plan shall be reviewed relative to:
         A.   The proper type, spacing, height, placement and location of plant materials relative to the length and width of the screen so as to ensure that the required horizontal and vertical obscuring effect of proposed land uses will be achieved;
         B.   The choice and selection of plant materials so as to ensure that root systems will not interfere with public utilities and so that fruit and other debris, except leaves, will not constitute a nuisance within public rights of way or to abutting property owners;
         C.   The choice and selection of plant materials so as to ensure that the type of plantings selected will be of a type that will survive and thrive in the area in which they are to be located;
         D.   The proper relationship between any existing and proposed deciduous and evergreen plant materials so as to ensure that the desired obscuring effect will be accomplished; and
         E.   The size of plant material (both starting and ultimate) to ensure adequate maturity and optimum screening effects of the proposed plant materials.
      (5)   Landscape planting screens, as required in this Zoning Code, when permitted as an alternative to a masonry screening wall or earth berm or in conjunction with either, shall be laid out in conformity with the following:
         A.   Plant materials shall not be located within four feet of the property line.
         B.   Where plant materials are placed in two or more rows, plantings shall be staggered in rows.
         C.   Evergreen trees shall be not less than five feet in height when planted in informal groupings. They shall be spaced not less than fifteen feet apart on centers. When spaced farther apart, additional screen plantings shall be used to achieve the desired screening effect intended by this section. When planted in rows, they shall be planted not more than ten feet on centers.
         D.   Narrow evergreen trees shall be not less than five feet in height. When planted in informal groupings, they shall be spaced not more than ten feet on centers. When planted in rows, they shall be planted not more than five feet on centers.
         E.   Large shrubs shall be not less than thirty inches in height. When planted in informal groupings, they shall be spaced not more than six feet on centers. When planted in single rows, they shall not be more than four feet on centers.
         F.   Small shrubs shall be not less than thirty inches in spread. They shall be planted not more than four feet on centers.
         G.   Large deciduous trees shall be not less than two and one-half inches in trunk caliper. For the purpose of this section, the caliper of the trunk shall be taken six inches above the ground level for trees up to and including four-inch caliper size and twelve inches above the ground level for larger trees. When placed in informal groupings, they shall be planted not more than thirty feet on centers.
         H.   Small deciduous trees shall be not less than two inches in trunk caliper. When planted in informal groupings, they shall be spaced not more than fifteen feet on centers.
   (c)   Landscape Plantings. Landscape plantings used for cosmetic purposes and not as required screen plantings may be planted as desired throughout the site, but shall at least be planted within those minimum required landscape planting areas set forth in this Zoning Code.
   Whenever any cosmetic planting areas are required, or whenever planting screens approach a street or driveway intersection, the clear corner requirements of Section 1298.12 shall be observed. However, in all cases, care shall be taken relative to plant material, height and location so as not to create a traffic hazard.
   Plantings used for cosmetic purposes shall consist of the suggested plant materials outlined in this section, except that Red Maple trees may be used within interior lawn or planting areas when they are located safely away from any building, driveway, street frontage or off-street parking area.
   Development which occurs in a nonresidential district shall provide, in addition to any existing or proposed street right of way, at least ten percent of the net site area (exclusive of buildings, off-street parking areas, etc.) as landscaped open space. Pedestrian walkways, plazas, planters and other decorative elements may be included in such landscaped areas.
   (d)   Exterior Equipment Screens. All exterior climate control and other mechanical equipment and utility outlets (i.e. electrical, gas regulators, etc.) shall be effectively screened from view. Rooftop equipment shall be screened by materials which shall extend at least as high as the highest part of the object being screened. Trash receptacles shall be screened by placing them in opaque architectural masonry enclosures.
   (e)   Distance Between Plant Materials (ft.).
Plant Material
Narrow Evergreen
Large Deciduous
Small Deciduous
Evergreen trees

Narrow evergreen trees

Large deciduous trees

Small deciduous trees

Large shrubs

Small shrubs
Min. 10
Max. 20

Min. 12

Min. 20

Min. 12

Min. 6

Min. 5
Min. 12

Min. 5

Min. 15

Min. 10

Min. 5

Min. 4
Min. 20

Min. 15

Min. 20
Max. 30

Min. 15

Min. 5

Min. 3
Min. 12

Min. 10

Min. 15

Min. 8
Max. 15

Min. 6

Min. 3
Min. 6

Min. 5

Min. 5

Min. 6

Min. 4
Max. 6
Min. 5
Min. 5

Min. 4

Min. 3

Min. 3

Min. 5

Min. 3
Max. 4
   (f)   Plant Materials. The following list contains recommended planting materials. Soft Maple trees (Red-Silver Maples) are not recommended plantings except where specifically permitted under the particular conditions set forth in this section.
Suggested Plant Materials
   (1)   Evergreen trees.   Fir   Pine   Douglas Fir
            Spruce   Hemlock
   (2)   Narrow evergreen trees.   Red Cedar   Junipers
   (3)   Large deciduous trees.   Oaks   Ash
            Hard Maples   Ginkgo (male only)
            Beech   Honeylocust (seed-
            Lindens   less and thorn-
               less varieties)
   (4)   Small deciduous trees.   Flowering Dogwood   Mountain Ash
            Hawthorn   Hornbeam
            Redbud   Russian Olive
            Magnolia   Flowering
               Crabapple (disease resistant varieties)
   (5)   Large shrubs.
      Deciduous:   Honeysuckle      Flowering
            Lilac      Quince
            Border Privet      Barberry
            Sumac      Forsythia
            Buckthorn      Cotoneaster
            Pyracantha      (Pekin,
                  Dogwood (Red    Osier, Grey)
      Evergreen:   Irish Yew      Pfitzer Juniper
            Hicks Yew      Savin Juniper
            Mugo Pine
      (6)   Small shrubs.
         Deciduous:   Compact Burning Bush      Japanese
            Regal Privet      Quince
            Fragrant Sumac      Cotoneaster
         Evergreen:   Spreading Yews      Dwarf Mugo
            (Dense, Brown's, Ward, etc.)   Pine
            Low Spreading Junipers   Big Leaf
            (Andora, Hughes, Tamarack,
            etc.)      Wintercreeper
      (7)   Trees not suggested.
            Box Elder      Poplars
            Catalpa      Soft Maples
            Elms      (Red, Silver)
            Horse Chestnut (nut bearing)   Tree of Heaven
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   (a)   Outdoor lighting in any district used to light the general area of a specific site shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent Residential Districts or adjacent residences.
   (b)   Outdoor lighting poles or standards shall not exceed the maximum height limitation of the district in which they are located, except that no lighting pole or standard shall exceed twenty feet in height when located on land adjacent to a Residential District.
   (c)   Outdoor lighting in any district shall be directed toward and confined to the ground areas of laws or parking lots.
   (d)   All lighting in nonresidential districts used for the external illumination of buildings, so as to feature such buildings, shall be placed and shielded so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent streets, roads or property.
   (e)   The illumination of signs shall be directed or shaded downward so as not to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent streets, roads or property.
   (f)   Artificial light shall be maintained in a manner so as not to constitute a hazard or nuisance.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   In all Residential Districts, so-called entranceway structures, including, but not limited to, walls, columns and gates marking entrances to single-family subdivisions or multiple housing projects, are permitted and may be located in a required yard, except as provided in Section 1298.12. Such entranceway structures shall comply with all applicable codes of the Municipality and shall be approved by the Director of Inspections or his or her designee, and a permit for the same shall be issued.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   No fence, wall, shrubbery, sign or other obstruction to vision above a height of two feet from the established street grade shall be permitted within the triangular area formed at the intersection of street right-of-way lines by a straight line drawn between such right-of-way lines at a distance along each line of twenty-five feet from their point of intersection.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   (a)   There shall be provided and maintained between any nonresidential and Residential District, between any Multiple-Family and One-Family District and between certain uses listed herein, an obscuring wall or landscaped earth berm as follows, except as otherwise excluded in subsection (c) hereof:
Minimum Requirements
Minimum Requirements
   (1)   P-1 Vehicular Parking District
Five feet high
   (2)   Off-street parking area (other than P-1 Districts)
Five feet high (nonresidential uses in Residential Districts shall provide the wall or earth berm immediately adjacent to the parking area)
   (3)   RM and MH Districts
Five feet high (nonresidential uses in Residential Districts shall provide the wall or earth berm immediately adjacent to the parking area)
   (4)   RO Districts
Five feet high
   (5)   C-1, C-2 and C-3 Districts
Six feet high
   (6)   M-1 District
Six feet high
      M-1 District (open storage areas, loading or unloading areas, service area)
Six feet high (or to the height necessary to provide the most complete obscuring possible)
   (7)   Auto wash, drive-in restaurants
Six feet high
   (8)   Hospital (ambulance and delivery areas)
Six feet high
   (9)   Utility buildings, stations and/or substations
Six feet high
   (b)   For those districts and uses listed in subsection (a) hereof, there may be provided, in lieu of an obscuring wall, an obscuring landscaped earth berm (earth mound). When such earth berm is provided in place of a wall, or in combination with a wall, the berm shall be landscaped and maintained in a clean, orderly and growing condition, and shall meet the following minimum design standards:
      (1)   Continuous earth berms shall be provided with an undulating horizontal and vertical top and sides. The height of the earth berm shall be not less than required for a wall in the district. Earth berms may consist of opaque screen plantings within the horizontal berm depressions or architectural masonry walls, or a combination of both, so long as the minimum required height of the earth berm plantings or walls, or a combination thereof, is maintained.
      (2)   Berms shall be a landscaped earth mound possessing a maximum slope ratio of three feet of horizontal plane for each one foot of vertical height. The berm shall have a nearly flat horizontal area at its crest of at least two feet in width. The side slopes shall be protected from erosion by sodding or seeding. Sodding shall be used only if the sodded areas are provided with irrigation. If seeded, they shall be protected with a straw mulch held in place by jute netting until a permanent lawn is established. However, other nets designed and intended to control erosion may be used as well.
      (3)   The Planning Commission shall review the effectiveness of an earth berm against other screening devices set forth in this Zoning Code and shall determine if the berm is an acceptable alternative. The Commission, in making its review, shall consider the type of objects to be screened, the type of land use that the objects are to be screened from, topographic conditions in the area and general appearances.
   (c)   Required walls or earth berms shall be located on the lot line, except where the standards of this section require them to be located on the residential side of an alley or located immediately adjacent to a parking lot in a Residential District, and except:
      (1)   Where underground utilities interfere;
      (2)   Where this Zoning Code requires conformity with front yard setback lines in abutting Residential Districts;
      (3)   Where a nonresidential district is located directly across a street from a Residential District, in which case the wall shall be placed on a line parallel to and twelve feet, six inches back from the street right-of-way line. The wall shall parallel the nonresidential frontage for the full extent that the nonresidential district lies across the street from the Residential District. The area between the wall and the street right-of-way line shall be landscaped with lawn, shrubs and trees.
   (d)   Required walls shall be located on the opposite side of an alley right of way from a nonresidential district that abuts a Residential District.
   (e)   Required walls shall be constructed of architectural masonry materials which may include all decorative masonry units, i.e. monolithic and/or precast concrete walls. Precast concrete walls, or commercial/industrial rated wall panels with stone or brick design shall be stained or painted in colors complementary to the color of exterior materials used in buildings on the site.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89; Ord. 495. Passed 6-19-91; Ord. 606. Passed 3-5-97; Ord. 23-1031. Passed 2-1-23.)
1298.14 FENCES.
   (a)   Permits. To construct or replace a partition fence, a site plan shall be submitted and approved, and a zoning permit issued by the Building Department to the property owner or contractor, to ensure proper placement as regulated by this chapter.
   (b)   Construction Materials and Specifications for Partition Fences. Any owner of a lot in the City may construct and maintain partition fences between his or her own lot and the next adjoining lots. Such partitions include any barrier constructed or reconstructed to partition all or part of a lot, including cyclone or chain-link fences, split-rail or ranch-type fences, ornamental or privacy fences, hedges and shrubbery utilized as a means of division, and other similar means of partitioning an area.
   All other partition fences shall be constructed of self-supporting posts, at a maximum height of six feet, eight inches. The material and design of same shall be approved by the Building Department. Chain-link fences which contain colored slats for screening that are woven between the links shall be of a neutral color (beige, tan, cream, etc.) and shall be kept in good repair.
   (c)   Barbed Wire Fences. No person shall place or maintain any barbed wire fencing or any strands of barbed wire along the line of or in any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place in the City, nor shall any person build or maintain any line fence composed wholly or partly of barbed wire. This section may be waived upon application to Council, and Council may, in its discretion, grant permission for the installation of strands of barbed wire upon the top of any fence surrounding nonresidential property, and not abutting residential property, where Council deems such installation of barbed wire to be necessary for the protection of the improvements or goods contained within the area so fenced from theft, vandalism, injury or other malicious mischief.
   (d)   Decorative Front Yard Fences. A decorative fence is one that's primary purpose is to contribute to the overall aesthetic of the residential structure. Decorative fences may be installed in accordance with the following conditions and with the approval of the Building Department.
      (1)   The decorative fence may be installed in the front yard provided the fence is placed along the side property lines from the front building line to within one foot of the sidewalk.
      (2)   The maximum height of such fence shall be no taller than thirty inches from the grade.
      (3)   All fence material shall be painted and kept in good repair.
      (4)   Decorative fencing shall be constructed of wood, vinyl, wrought iron, or other decorative material. Chain-line is not considered a decorative fence.
   (e)   Side Lot Line Fences.
      (1)   Side lot line fences may be erected from the rear lot line to within six feet of the front building line. The Building Official may approve an exception to allow the fence to be developed to the front building line in the case of extenuating circumstances, such as the screening of mechanical equipment a side door closer than six feet to the front of the building, etc.
      (2)   Residential lots or parcels of land adjacent to a public alley or commercial property may extend a privacy fence to the front line of such property upon determination by the Building Department that the extension is necessary to protect the residents of the property from noise, traffic, debris or other invasion of property. However, at a distance of fifteen feet from the front property line, the privacy fence must be reduced to three feet in height to accommodate clear corner site distances.
   (f)   Surveys; Mutual Agreements. Adjacent owners of lots, between which a partition fence is to be erected where no fence previously existed or where a fence exists and is to be relocated, shall obtain the services of a registered land surveyor who shall establish the partition line between such lots by installing suitable markers at the corners of said lots. A certificate of the registered surveyor indicating that the markers have been placed as required shall be presented to the Building Department before a permit to erect the fence will be issued.
   Where adjacent property owners mutually agree upon the location of a partition fence, a written statement to that effect signed by both adjoining property owners shall be presented to and approved by the Building Department in lieu of the certificate of a registered surveyor. The adjacent property owners will then be responsible for the placement of the partition fence.
   (g)   Maintenance.
      (1)   When a solid or opaque fence is constructed immediately adjacent to an existing chain-link fence it shall be the responsibility of the new fence owner to maintain the property that is located between the existing and new fence. This property shall be kept in an orderly appearance, free of weeds or other noxious plant materials.
      (2)   When the fence is adjacent to a public right-of-way, it shall be treated to minimize or eliminate the possibility of graffiti.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89; Ord. 481. Passed 7-18-90; Ord. 526. Passed 2-10-93; Ord. 724. Passed 8-15-01; Ord. 852. Passed 7-11-07.)
   No lot or parcel of land shall be used for any purpose permitted by this Zoning Code unless such lot or parcel fronts directly upon a public street, unless otherwise provided for in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   For uses making reference to this section, vehicular access shall be provided only to an existing or planned major thoroughfare or freeway service drive. However, access driveways may be permitted to other than a major thoroughfare or freeway service drive where such access is provided to a street where the property directly across the street, between the driveway and the major thoroughfare or freeway service drive, is zoned for multifamily use or any nonresidential use, is developed with permanent uses other than single-family residences or is an area which, in the opinion of the City, will be used for other than single-family purposes in the future. This exception shall apply only if the City finds that there are special circumstances which indicate that there will be a substantial improvement in traffic safety by reducing the number of driveways to a thoroughfare.
(Ord. 458. Passed 1-4-89.)
   (a)   The purpose of this section is to serve as a guideline for the establishment of a harmonious exterior building wall appearance for all the walls of a building that are designed so as to create, enhance and promote a uniform, qualitative visual environment throughout the City.
   (b)   To ensure that proper and effective attention will be given to the visual appearance of both residential and nonresidential buildings, whenever in this Zoning Code reference is made to this section or to Section 1268.04(a), all exterior building walls of all new principal buildings shall consist of the same uniform exterior building wall finish materials as the front wall of the principal building(s). All such materials used shall be recognized by the Building Department as finish materials.
   (c)   Where applicable, whenever the exterior building wall material standards set forth in this section apply, they shall be accompanied by a statement describing how the exterior building wall material or combination of materials, as set forth in this section, is consistent with the materials on a majority of the buildings in the surrounding neighborhood. For the purpose of this subsection, the following additional standards shall apply:
      (1)   When four or more new single-family or two-family dwellings are erected on contiguous lots or condominium home sites, they shall consist of face brick materials, as defined in this Zoning Code, on all exterior walls or, in the case of a two-story building, a combination of materials, as set forth in paragraph (d)(1)C. hereof. See also Section 1260.07(b)(43A) and (43B).
      (2)   In the case of three or less one, two or multiple-dwelling buildings, the surrounding neighborhood shall mean all the principal residential buildings within 300 feet, measured in all directions from the subject property lines. If no residential buildings exist within 300 feet of the subject parcel, the exterior walls of the residential building shall consist of face brick materials, as defined in this Zoning Code or, in the case of a two-story building, a combination of materials, as set forth in paragraph (d)(1)C. hereof. See also Section 1260.07(b)(43A) and (43B).
      (3)   In the case of a nonresidential building permitted in a Residential District, the exterior building walls shall consist of face brick materials, as defined in this Zoning Code. See Section 1260.07(b)(43A) and (43B).
      (4)   In the case of all other nonresidential buildings the surrounding neighborhood shall mean all nonresidential buildings within 300 feet, measured outward in all directions from the subject property lines. If no nonresidential buildings exist within 300 feet of the subject parcel, the nearest nonresidential buildings in all directions beyond 300 feet from the subject property lines shall apply.
   (d)   The following exterior building wall material standards shall apply to:
      (1)   Residential Dwellings.
         A.   The erection and maintenance of single-family detached dwellings including any additions shall not be grossly dissimilar to the exterior design, appearance and color of existing detached single-family dwellings in the surrounding area.
         B.   Second-story additions to existing one-story buildings shall consist of the same exterior building wall materials as the first floor, except that other materials may be used, provided that the materials are horizontal in appearance with no more than thirty percent vertical trim accent and are consistent with the majority of the surrounding homes in the area.
          C.   New residential buildings shall have exterior walls consisting of face brick (painting of face brick is prohibited) or a similar type of acceptable material consistent with the majority of the surrounding homes in the area. The second story of a new residential building may consist of the same exterior building wall materials as the first floor, or may consist of the same range of materials outlined in paragraph (d)(1)B. hereof for a second story.
         D.   Residential chimneys on exterior walls shall be brick or constructed of the same material as the first floor. Interior metal chimneys shall exit the roof in the rear unless approved in advance by the Building Department and must be painted to match the roofing material.
      (2)   Nonresidential Buildings.
         A.   Except where otherwise regulated in this section, the exterior building walls of a nonresidential building and any related accessory building shall consist of the exterior building wall materials and/or combinations of materials expressly permitted in this section.
         B.   The exterior building walls of a nonresidential building shall consist of the following materials or combinations thereof:
            1.   Face brick for nonresidential buildings, as defined in this Zoning Code, cut stone or field stone.
            2.   Split-face block, which shall be treated with earth tone or natural colors. The split-face block must have a rough, stone-like texture created by splitting the block during production.
            3.   Precast concrete in a form and pattern which may consist of its natural color or which may be treated with earth tone colors.
            4.   Finished cementitious materials, including finished systems and stucco, which shall be treated with earth tone colors and may be utilized in combination with approved materials in 1298.17(B) 1, 2, 3 a minimum of eight feet above grade.
            5.   Metal standing seams may be utilized for architectural exterior wall accents on canopies and mansards. Colors shall be approved by the Building Department Director.
         C.   Materials other than those specifically outlined in paragraph (d)(2)B. hereof shall be prohibited. Materials specifically prohibited include:
            1.   Concrete masonry units (CMU), such as block, pattern and fluted.
            2.   Tarred paper, tin, corrugated iron, porcelain clad and steel flat sheets.
            3.   Pressed or laminated wood products.
            4.   Similar products or materials.
         D.   If an applicant requests the use of other materials not specifically prohibited in subsection (d)(2)C. or noted as an approved material in subsection (d)(2)B., said materials shall be reviewed and approved by either the Site Plan Review Committee or Planning Commission per the requirements of Section 1298.07(i)(5). The Site Plan Review Committee or Planning Commission may approve alternative materials only when it determines that such materials will:
            1.   Be in direct harmony with the intent and purpose of this section and will stand to further promote the uniform and qualitative visual environment of the City.
            2.   Meet all applicable requirements of the City’s Building Code.
(Ord. 591. Passed 5-29-96; Ord. 719. Passed 7-18-01; Ord. 08-856. Passed 2-6-08; Ord. 08-870. Passed 8-20-08; Ord. 13-962. Passed 7-3-13; Ord. 15-972. Passed 12-16-15; Ord. 16-974. Passed 2-3-16; Ord. 23-1031. Passed 2-1-23.)