The intent of this section is to permit the development of single-family detached dwellings by site planning the layout of individual dwellings and all streets, utilities, open spaces, etc. To accomplish development under this option, the following conditions shall apply:
   (a)   In One-Family Residential Districts, the site planning of individual single- family detached dwellings may be permitted after review by the Planning Commission of a site plan, submitted in accordance with applicable requirements of Section 1298.08 and site plan review procedural requirements. The Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Section 1262.07 for the purpose of reviewing the site plan.
   (b)   The Commission, in making its review, shall find that the following minimum standards are fully met:
      (1)   The maximum number of individual single-family dwellings per acre, throughout the entire site, shall not exceed the dwelling unit density level of the One-Family District in which the site is located.
      (2)   An area equal to the minimum land area requirement of the district shall be provided for each dwelling unit, including the building envelope.
      (3)   Setbacks shall be provided for each building envelope equal to the minimum set-back requirements of the district as follows:
         A.   Front setbacks shall be measured from the street right of way, or from an equivalent line of a private street easement, to the front of the building envelope.
         B.   Side setbacks shall be measured from building envelope to building envelope and shall be at least equal to the total minimum side yard set-back requirement of the district between two single-family detached dwellings.
         C.   Rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear line of the building envelope to the rear property line or to the nearest common space area.
      (4)   All streets shall be built to public street standards and may be dedicated to the City as public streets. All public streets shall be located within appropriate rights of way as set forth in the City's Master Plan. Private streets shall be located within an easement equal in width to a public street right of way.
      (5)   All utilities shall be installed to applicable City or County standards and shall be located within appropriate rights of way or private easements.
      (6)   The maximum number of stories and building height restrictions of the district shall be met as shall the minimum floor area requirements of the district. Any detached accessory uses shall comply with the applicable standards of this Zoning Code for such uses. Setbacks required for such uses shall be measured from the outer perimeter of the land area boundaries required in this section for each individual single-family detached dwelling.
      (7)   Single-family detached dwellings developed as site condominiums under this option may be site planned as open space developments, provided that all applicable requirements of Section 1298.02 are fully complied with.
(Ord. 465. Passed 5-24-89.)