1288.01 INTENT.
given area, other than by conventional zoning district controls. This alternative approach to land development is designed to give greater development flexibility, thereby encouraging higher dedication to quality of land use and site design. It is further the intent of this development approach that the alternative land use development patterns permitted in the PD District will be designed and laid out with particular attention to creating a desirable human experience by establishing harmonious relationships between land use types relative to uses of land, the location of uses on the land and the architectural and functional compatibility between them.
   (b)   A planned development project is viewed as an integrated development concept. To that end, the provisions of this chapter are not intended to be used as a device for avoiding the zoning requirements that would otherwise apply, but rather to encourage the use, redevelopment, and improvement of existing sites where current ordinances do not provide adequate protection and safeguards for the site or its surrounding areas; encourage flexibility and mixture of uses; and to improve the design, character, and quality of new development. The use of a planned development to permit variations from other requirements of this chapter shall only be approved when such approval results in improvements to the public health, safety, and welfare in the area affected, and in accordance with the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 516. Passed 8-26-92; Ord. 945. Passed 4-18-12.)