(a)   Generally. Following final approval of a preliminary plat by Council, the proprietor shall cause a survey and five true plats thereof to be made by a surveyor.
   (b)   Submission. Final plats in five polyester film copies, and an additional five paper prints of the final plat, along with the application, shall be submitted to the City Clerk.
      (1)   A final plat shall not be accepted after the date of expiration of preliminary plate approval.
      (2)   The final plat shall be submitted to the City Clerk at least ten days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of Council. Such meeting shall be considered as the date of filing.
   (c)   Information Required.
      (1)   All final plats of subdivided land shall comply with the survey and mapping requirements cited in the Subdivision Control Act, especially Sections 126 through 140.
      (2)   All final plats of subdivided land shall comply with the certification requirements cited in the Subdivision Control Act, especially Sections 141 through 150.
      (3)   An abstract of title, certified to date of the proprietor's certificate, to establish recordable ownership interest and any other information deemed necessary for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the proper parties have signed the plat, or a policy of title insurance currently in force, covering all of the land included within the boundaries of the proposed subdivision, shall be submitted. Council, in lieu of an abstract of title, may accept, on its own responsibility, an attorney's opinion, in writing, based on the abstract of title as to ownership and marketability of title of the land.
   (d)   Procedures.
      (1)   The final plat shall be reviewed by the City Engineer as to compliance with the approved preliminary plat and plans for utilities and other improvements.
      (2)   Council shall review all recommendations within twenty days and take action on the final plat as soon as practical after the filing of such plat if it is in proper form.
      (3)   Council shall require all improvements and facilities to be constructed, or require a cash deposit or its equal in lieu of construction of such improvements and facilities, before it approves the final plat.
      (4)   Upon approval of the final plat by Council, the subsequent approvals shall follow the procedure set forth in the Subdivision Control Act. If such plat is disapproved,
      (5)   Council shall instruct the City Clerk to give the proprietor its reasons, in writing, as set forth in the minutes of the meeting, and return the plat to the proprietor. Council shall instruct the City Clerk to record all proceedings in the minutes of the meeting, which minutes shall be open for inspection, and to certify on the approved final plat Council's approval and the date thereof on behalf of Council.
      (6)   The City Clerk shall transcribe a certificate of approval of Council on the final plat and deliver all copies to the Clerk of the County Plat Board, together with the filing and recording fee required by the Subdivision Control Act.
      (7)   A final plat received by the State Treasurer more than one year following the date of approval of the County Treasurer shall be returned to the County Treasurer who shall make a new certificate, currently dated, relative to paid or unpaid taxes, special assessments and tax liens or titles.
      (8)   The City Clerk shall transmit one paper print copy to the Planning Commission and one paper print to the City Planner, and shall retain one paper print copy temporarily in the files of Council.
      (9)   After the approvals mentioned in paragraph (d)(4) hereof are effectuated, and after the State Treasurer receives notification of the recording of such plat, he or she shall return one completely transcribed copy to the City Clerk for filing as a matter of permanent record.
(Ord. 260. Passed 12-7-77.)