(a)   Application; Right of Entry; Enforcement.
      (1)   Every person, firm or corporation whose premises are supplied with water by the City shall be subject to the provisions of this section and to all rules and regulations of the City Administrator pertaining to the use of City water.
      (2)   It shall be lawful for the City Administrator or his or her representative to enter upon the premises of any person using City water to install meters for measuring water and to inspect meters and other fixtures and appurtenances pertaining to the waterworks system.
      (3)   Officers of the Police Department are hereby authorized to issue ordinance violation notices, or the Building Department, through its authorized agents, or the Police Department, may issue civil infraction notices, to any person violating any provision of this section or any rule or regulation duly adopted pursuant to this section.
   (b)   Conditions.
      (1)   Conditions warranting the initiation of water use reduction measures are as follows:
         A.   A prolonged drought or other system-wide heavy demand period that results in supply facilities, including system pump stations and reservoirs, being operated at their optimum capacity with no apparent means immediately available to adequately maintain flows and residual pressures throughout the system;
         B.   Any emergency condition that may arise which will negatively affect operating flows and residual pressures in any substantial portion of the system for any appreciable length of time.
      (2)   The above conditions may warrant a wide range of options, from alternate day sprinkling in a limited area to no outside water use for any community served by Detroit water. In this case, the City of Detroit and/or the Michigan Department of Public Health would normally take the leadership in advising of any ultimate responsibility to initiate whatever measures are needed locally to see that all local emergencies are properly handled.
      (3)   Upon declaration of a water use reduction emergency, the City of Southgate will announce such declaration by use of public radio or television and newspapers with normal operating range covering the community. The City Administrator or his or her designee will implement the reduction requirements.
   (c)   Duration of Emergency; Exceptions to Prohibitions.
      (1)   The prohibitions shall remain in effect twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, until the City has declared an end to the water use reduction emergency or the City determines that a limited prohibition will be sufficient to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community.
      (2)   The City Administrator or his or her designee may provide exceptions to paragraph (b)(1)A. hereof where necessary to prevent imminent financial loss to a water user.
(Ord. 576. Passed 6-28-95.)