620.01 MODEL GLUE.
   (a)   Defined. As used in this section, "model glue" means any glue, adhesive cement, mucilage, dope, plastic solvent or other adhesive of the type commonly used in the construction of model airplanes, automobiles, boats and other unassembled model kits, containing toluene, acetone, xylene, butyl, hexane, tricresyl phosphate or other toxic ingredient.
   (b)   Purchases for Violations. No person shall, for the purpose of violating or aiding another to violate any of the provisions of this section, intentionally possess, buy, sell, transfer possession or receive possession of any model glue.
   (c)   Restrictions on Sales.
      (1)   Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) and subsection (d) hereof, no person under twenty-one years of age shall possess or buy any model glue.
      (2)   Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) and subsection (d) hereof, no person shall sell or transfer possession of any model glue to another person under twenty-one years of age.
      (3)   A person may sell or transfer possession of model glue to a person under twenty-one years of age for model building or other lawful use where such juvenile has in his or her possession and exhibits the written consent of his or her parent or guardian.
      (4)   A person may sell or transfer possession of, to a person under twenty-one years of age, not more than one assembly kit which contains not more than one container of model glue, not to exceed one fluid ounce, as a necessary part of model assembly.
   (d)   Sales to Minors; Records. A person making a sale or transfer of possession of model glue to a person under twenty-one years of age who exhibits the written consent of his or her parent or guardian shall record the name, sex and age of the juvenile and the name and address of the consenting parent or guardian. All data required by this subsection shall be kept in a permanent type register available for inspection by the Police Department for at least six months.
   (e)   Illegal Uses. No person shall inhale, drink, eat or otherwise introduce into his or her respiratory, circulatory or digestive system any compound, liquid, chemical or substance known as glue, adhesive cement, mucilage, dope, plastic solvent or other material or substance, or a combination thereof, with the intent of becoming intoxicated, elated, dazed, paralyzed or irrational, or in any manner changing, distorting or disturbing the eyesight, thinking process, judgment, balance or coordination of such person. For the purpose of this section, any such condition so induced shall be deemed to be an intoxicated condition.
   (f)   Abetting Violations by Minors. No person shall assist, aid, abet or encourage any minor to violate any of the provisions of this section.
   (g)   Exemptions. This section shall not pertain to any person who inhales, drinks, eats or otherwise introduces into his or her circulatory, digestive or respiratory system such material or substance pursuant to the direction or prescription of any doctor, dentist or other person properly authorized to so direct or prescribe.
(1974 Code § 9.76)