Whenever any City property, real or personal, is no longer needed for corporate or public purposes, the same may be offered for sale or, in the alternative, donated to a qualified, nonprofit, tax exempt, or charitable organization if so designated by resolution of the City Council. Any real property and personal property not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) in value may be sold for cash by the Purchasing Agent after receiving quotations or competitive bids therefor for the best price obtainable. Property with a value in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) may be sold after advertising and receiving competitive bids, as provided in Section 210.03, and after approval of the sale has been given by Council. In the discretion of City administration, e-bay and the Internet may be used as a method of advertising and receiving competitive bids, and for completing the sale of property of any value.
(1974 Code § 1.266; Ord 731. Passed 10-10-01; Ord. 853. Passed 7-25-07.)