The following records of the City shall be kept permanently and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize the destruction of the same:
(a) Records of official action of Council and of City boards and commissions;
(b) General ledgers, general journals and cash books;
(c) Bond and interest ledgers and records of bonds and interest coupons destroyed, unless contained in other reports which are permanently retained;
(d) Tax assessment and special assessment rolls;
(e) Deeds and other title papers, during the period of City ownership;
(f) Records of tax liens, foreclosures and sales;
(g) Records of securities owned or held in trust, during the period of City ownership, or held for the benefit of the City;
(h) Final budget reports;
(i) Annual reports;
(j) Reports of the City Auditor;
(k) Maps and records of existing underground improvements;
(l) Reports, maps, field notes and records of the City Engineer; and
(m) Opinions of the City Attorney.
(1974 Code 1.293)