The recruitment program shall be designed to provide an orderly and effective means for bringing competent employees into the classified service. The basic procedure governing recruitment shall be as follows, in addition to such supplementary rules and regulations on this matter as are adopted by the Commission. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the provisions of this section shall apply only to the recruitment or appointment of new employees to the classified service.
(a) Announcement. Public announcement of all vacancies in the classified service shall be made at such time and in such form as is considered reasonable by the Commission in order to permit interested and qualified persons to apply.
(b) Application. The Commission shall cause to have developed a standard form which must be filled out fully and accurately by all applicants to fill vacancies. The rules and regulations of the Commission shall specify the conditions which shall be deemed sufficient cause for the rejection of applicants.
(c) Competitive examinations. The relative fitness of applicants for appointment or promotion shall be determined by examination; provided that such examination may measure any or all of the following qualification factors: education, training, experience, general adaptability, special aptitudes, physical fitness and such other qualifications as may be pertinent for determining the satisfactory performance of the duties of the position. An appointment list shall be prepared for each such examination, listing qualified candidates in descending order of their ranking.
(d) Entrance to examinations. Entrance to examinations shall be open only to those who are both (1) citizens of the United States or who have made application for such citizenship and are making a diligent effort to obtain same, and (2) residents of the City; provided that the Commission may waive the residence requirement, whenever it determines that such waiver is necessary in order to secure an adequate number of qualified applicants.
(e) Veteran's preference. The Commission shall provide for the granting of employment preference for entrance level positions to such honorably discharged war veterans of the United States Armed Forces as shall be consistent with statute but shall not be contrary to the best interests of the City service. War veterans shall have ten points added to their earned ratings who have an honorable discharge from any branch of the armed forces after serving in time of war, and fifteen points shall be added to the earned ratings of all honorably discharged veterans who have served in time of war and who have a service connected disability; provided, however, that all other requirements of this act have been complied with by such war veterans; and provided, further, that any such preference shall be allowed to only those applicants who have attained a passing score on the examination for the position; and provided, further, that no such preference shall be awarded in promotional examination.
(f) Appointment. The Commission shall specify the procedure which shall be followed in original and promotional appointments in the classified service, provided that in all cases the Commission shall certify to the appointing official for appointment the names of not less than the two persons standing highest on the proper list. Appointments shall be made to any position from the following lists in this order: (1) the re-employment list, (2) the promotional list and (3) an appointment list resulting from a recruitment examination. It is provided, however, that if the Commission holds a combined original appointment-promotional examination and a combined eligible list is prepared, the appointing officer or body shall give first consideration to those persons on the list who are candidates for promotion.
(g) The spouse and all of the following relatives and their spouses of any elective official or of his spouse are disqualified from holding any appointive office or employment during the term for which said elective official was elected: child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, brother, sister. All relationships shall include those arising from adoption. This section shall in no way disqualify such relatives or their spouses who are bona fide employees of the City at the time of the election of said elective official. Any person employed under the classified service of the City of Southgate shall not hold any other City office or City employment and shall not serve on any Municipal political committee or take part in the management of any Municipal political campaign.
(h) Probationary period. There is established for all newly appointed or newly promoted employees a probationary period which shall be of six months duration. The Commission's rules and regulations shall specify the terms and conditions of probationary periods; provided that the tenure of any employee may be terminated at any time during the probationary period by the appointing authority without any right of appeal to, or hearing before, the Commission. In the case of a newly promoted employee whose tenure in a new position is terminated, he shall return to the position held previously, provided that he may, at any time, be removed from the classified service for cause as provided in Sections 238 and 239 of this Charter.
(i) Appointments other than probationary. The rules and regulations of the Commission shall provide for appointments of employees to the classified service which are not probationary as defined in this article but which are of a temporary, provisional or emergency nature; provided such appointments shall be limited as to length of service permitted thereunder.