Sec. 187 Referendum ordinances; elections.
   The ordinance or other measure or proposal submitted to the electors shall be published at least once in the official newspaper of the City at least ten days prior to the election at which it is to be submitted. If the majority vote of the electors voting at the election is "For the Ordinance" (or other proposition), the same proceedings shall be taken, after the canvass of the returns and declaration of results by the Council, as would be necessary if the same action upon such proposition had been taken by the Council itself, except that in the case of ordinances, no further publication thereof shall be required. Except as in this article otherwise provided, all of the provisions of Chapter III (Article 2) of this Charter for the calling and holding of City elections shall apply to referendum elections, as near as may be, and the proposition upon the ballot shall state the nature and purpose of the ordinance in terms sufficient to identify it.
   The voting lines on such ballot shall be as follows:
         ( )   FOR THE ORDINANCE
   No referendum shall be held upon any ordinance required to be passed by the general laws of the State.