The following described territory, together with all territories that may hereafter be annexed thereto, shall be, continue and remain a municipal corporation of the State of Michigan under the official name and title of "City of Southgate" and shall be subject to the municipal control of said City in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and the Constitution and laws of the State which are applicable thereto: Said territory to be incorporated as the City of Southgate is described as follows:
All that part of the Township of Ecorse, Wayne County, Michigan, lying south of the southerly boundary of the Village of Allen Park and the southerly boundary of the City of Lincoln Park, more particularly described as beginning at the N.W. corner of Section 23 of said Township at the intersection of Allen and Goddard Roads; thence easterly along the established boundary line of the Village of Allen Park in Goddard Road and "Old Goddard Road" to the N. & S. 1/4 line of Section 24 of said Township in Fordline Road which 1/4 line is the boundary between said Township and the City of Lincoln Park; thence southerly along said boundary line to the center of said Section 24 in Brest Road; thence easterly in Brest Road along the boundary line between Lincoln Park and Ecorse Township to the established boundary line between Ecorse Township and the City of Wyandotte in Fort Street; thence southerly along said boundary line in Fort Street and Quarry Road to the S. 1/4 corner of Section 31 of said Township at the intersection of Quarry and Pennsylvania Roads; thence westerly along the S. boundary line of said Township in Pennsylvania Road to the W. boundary line of said Township in Allen Road; thence northerly along said W. boundary line in Allen Road to the point of beginning.