(a)   Whenever Council, the Commissioner of Buildings, Housing Manager, or Public Safety Director has declared a building or structure to be a nuisance pursuant to Section 531.07 and Council has taken no action within 15 days to modify or to negate such finding and declaration and the owner, agent and/or person in charge of a dwelling structure or premises fails, neglects or refuses to comply with any notice by the Commissioner of Building or the Housing Manager, the Commissioner or Housing Manager may issue a notice ordering the structure or premises concerned to be vacated, or he may advise the Director of Law of the circumstances and request the Director to institute an appropriate action at law or in equity to compel a compliance, or both.
   (b)   Whenever the owner, agent or person in charge of a dwelling structure or premises fails, neglects or refuses to comply with a notice to vacate issued by the Commissioner, the Commissioner may request the Director of Public Safety to enforce the orders of such notice of vacation and cause the structure to be vacated in accordance with the terms of such notice.
   (c)   Whenever the owner, agent or person in charge of a dwelling structure, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with a notice to demolish issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner, Housing Manager, or Director of Public Safety shall request the Director of Law to prepare an order stating such determination and authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for the demolition of such structure, or to take such other action as may be necessary to abate the nuisance. The Commissioner or Housing Manager shall furnish the owner, occupant, lessee or mortgagee of the real estate from which the nuisance originates with a statement of such determination and action taken in conformance with the procedures set forth in this chapter for the service of notice of violation, along with the estimated cost of abating the same prior to the abatement, and a statement of the final cost as soon as the cost can be ascertained, and shall order the owner to pay the cost within such reasonable time as the Building Commissioner or Housing Manager shall fix. All costs incurred by the City in abating such nuisance shall be collected from the property owner in the manner provided in Ohio R.C. 715.261.
(Ord. 22-70. Passed 2-15-71; Ord. 86-00. Passed 11-13-00; Ord. 22-09. Passed 5-11-09.)
   (d)   The remedies provided for in this section shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 531.07(b).