Application for registration of a bicycle shall be made to the Chief of Police upon forms to be provided by him, which application shall contain the name and addresses of the applicant, the make, color and serial number or other identification mark of the bicycle, and such other information as the Chief deems pertinent.
   The Chief of Police, upon receipt of the application, shall register such bicycle. The record of all such registrations shall be kept in the office of the Chief. At the time of registration, the Chief shall furnish to the applicant a tag of a form and design approved by the Chief and bearing a distinctive number, which tag shall be affixed by the Chief permanently to such registered bicycle. The Chief shall also deliver to such applicant a registration card showing the name and address of the applicant, the number and date of registration, and a description of the bicycle, and reciting that such bicycle has been so registered. Such registration shall expire upon sale or transfer of such bicycle.
(Ord. 22-96. Passed 5-28-96.)