(a)   The Building Commissioner and inspectors officially so designated by the Mayor are hereby authorized to make, or cause to be made, inspections of all structures or premises used for dwelling purposes and all secondary or appurtenant structures to determine whether such structures or premises conform to the provisions of this Code.
   (b)   Upon presentation of proper credentials, the Building Commissioner and inspectors officially so designated by the Mayor, may, after reasonable notice to the owner, enter at reasonable times and view the exterior and yard area of any dwelling, building, structure or premises in the City to perform any duty imposed on him by this Code as is mandatory. The Commissioner and inspectors officially so designated by the Mayor are not authorized to enter the interior of any dwelling, building, structure or premises under this Code unless the owner is notified that any such proposed inspection is not mandatory and is also given reasonable notice of the intent to seek permission of the owner for such interior inspection. However, after the foregoing prerequisites are met, an interior inspection can be made if permission in writing for such interior inspection is first granted by the owner. Although the notice requirements are applicable to multiple dwellings, the prohibition of interior inspection without permission of the owner is not applicable to multiple dwellings and such inspections are mandatory.
      (1)   Reasonable notice. Reasonable notice under this Code means at least seven days' notice to the owner or occupant of the time and place of inspection. However, such notice requirement may be waived by oral or written permission given by the owner or occupant. Notification requirements are waived for inspections made to property areas that are clearly visible from the street or public walk, viewed from an adjacent property with the owner's consent, or whenever, in the opinion of the Building Commissioner, the condition of a structure or premises, or part thereof, constitutes an immediate hazard to human life or health, he/she shall declare a case of emergency and shall order immediate repair of the structure or premises, or part thereof.
      (2)   Inspector's credentials. The Commissioner and/or inspectors officially so designated by the Mayor shall carry official credentials of the City indicating that they are building inspectors officially so designated by the Mayor. The credentials shall also bear a photograph of the inspector and shall be officially sealed and signed by the Mayor.
(Ord. 27-92. Passed 9-29-92; Ord. 10-01. Passed 2-26-01; Ord. 08-10. Passed 1-25-10.)