(a) Every multiple dwelling shall have at least one continuous flight of stairs extending from the entrance floor to the top floor and such flight of stairs shall connect directly with an entrance hall.
(b) Every dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling shall be directly accessible to the main entrance hall of such multiple dwelling by at least one stairway of the type described in subsection (a) hereof, and every such dwelling unit shall be directly accessible by means of a public hallway or landing to at least two such stairways.
(c) The travel distance between the main entrance of each dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling and at least one stairway of the type described in subsection (a) hereof shall not be more than 100 feet and every sleeping room in any such dwelling unit shall be accessible to at least two such stairways without passing through another sleeping room.
(d) Every dwelling unit in any multiple dwelling shall have available the means of access and egress required by this section without passing through any other dwelling unit.
(Ord. 42-72. Passed 12-27-73.)