(a)   Oil well storage tanks must be located a minimum of 500 feet from industrial, commercial or residential structures, mercantile buildings or any church, hospital, theater, assembly hall, library, public building or other public gathering place, and at least 200 feet back from a public road or street or railroad tracks, regardless of the zone.
   (b)   When more than one well is to be drilled, storage tanks for all wells shall be grouped together.
   (c)   All oil well storage tanks or groups of tanks situated within the corporate limits of the City shall be diked or other suitable means shall be taken to prevent discharge of liquid from endangering adjoining property or reaching waterways. Each dike shall have a capacity of not less than that of the tank or tanks served by the enclosure.
   (d)   All dikes shall be constructed of earth, clay, steel, masonry or reinforced concrete so constructed as to be watertight, shall afford adequate protection and, if of concrete or masonry, shall be properly reinforced and have footings below the frost line. All pits used for the storage or disposal of sludge or lime shall be lined with plastic or comparable material to prevent leaching and shall be of sufficient size to contain all effluents.
(Ord. 37-04. Passed 5-24-04.)