Any company or person who has placed any telephone, telegraph or electric lighting poles, anchors or equipment in the streets, roads or public places of the City and desires to locate in the streets, roads or public places of the City any additional poles, anchors, or equipment, or to relocate existing poles, anchors or equipment or to trim trees in the streets, roads or public places of the City, shall make application for a permit for such location, relocation or tree trimming to the Director of Service, accompanied by the consent of the abutting property owners where necessary. The Director of Service may authorize such location or relocation and tree trimming, provided he shall find upon investigation that such location or relocation can be made without damage to the streets or roads and without endangering the safety of pedestrians and the traveling public, and without inconveniencing abutting property owners and, in the case of tree trimming, that the same can be done without material injury to the trees and will be done by someone skilled in tree trimming. No permit shall be issued by the Director of Service unless the conditions set forth in this chapter are complied with and a charge of ten dollars ($10.00) is paid for the issuance of the permit.
(Ord. 40-74. Passed 11-24-75.)