A window sign that is applied or attached to the interior of a window or located near a window within a residence so that it can be seen from the exterior for the purpose of being visible to and read from the outside of the residence. This does not include commercial signs, which are prohibited within residential districts.
   (a)   Restrictions.
      (1)   Size. Maximum sign area: 6 square feet.
      (2)   Location. A window sign must be located on or near the window and be contained totally within a single window.
      (3)   Quantity. One per dwelling unit.
      (4)   Duration. A window sign shall be displayed for no longer than 30 days, on six separate occasions in any given year.
      (5)   Exemption. None.
      (6)   Permit. A window sign shall not require a permit provided compliance with all other applicable regulations of this section.
   (b)   Applicable Sections.
      (1)   Section 770.06, Computations.
      (2)   Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
      (3)   Section 770.08, Maintenance.
(Ord. 15-01. Passed 9-22-03.)