All new development and alterations to existing development in a C-C District shall comply with the regulations set forth in this chapter.
   (a)   Development plans shall be submitted and reviewed by the Planning Commission and/or the Architectural Review Board (ARB) according to Schedule 738.13.
Schedule 738.13
Type of Development Proposed
Review By Planning Commission
Review by Architectural Review Board (ARB)
New construction, including building additions
Modifications or changes to the bulk or area of an existing building
Modifications to the exterior facade treatment of an existing building or required screening elements
Modifications to the site plan of an existing building
      Notwithstanding the regulations for nonconforming uses set forth in Chapter 751, no alterations that affect the exterior of an existing building, parking or site circulation shall be permitted unless the entire building and its accessory uses, including panting facilities, complies with the regulations of this chapter.
   (b)   Development Plan Submission. Development plans of the proposed development shall be submitted for review to the Planning Commission and/or Architectural Review Board. All plans shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 1 inch = 50 feet and designed in accordance with the regulations set forth in this chapter and any other applicable plans that may have been adopted by the City which apply to the subject site. The development plan shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Site plan. The site plan shall indicate:
         A.   The proposed location of all structures identified by type, size, height and use;
         B.   The assignment of all lands subdivided; and
         C.   The location of all structures within 200 feet of properties adjoining the proposed development.
      (2)   Circulation plan. The circulation plan shall show on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns, including the location and dimensions of proposed driveways and walkways and the location and arrangement of parking spaces and service facilities. A traffic engineer may be retained by the City, at the request of the Planning Commission, to further review, comment, and provide recommendations to the City, owner and developer. All costs incurred shall be reimbursed to the City from the applicant, owner or developer.
      (3)   Floor plans and elevations. These documents shall include plans and designs for all structures and such other information to explain the purpose, appearance, materials and construction.
      (4)   Landscape plan. These drawings shall show:
         A.   The proposed grading and drainage plan;
         B.   The landscape treatment; and
         C.   Plazas, parks and other landscape features.
      (5)   Construction plan. The construction plan shall indicate the proposed method and standards for the construction and maintenance of utilities and paved areas.
      (6)   Any proposed covenants running with the land; deed restrictions or easements proposed to be recorded and covenants proposed for maintenance.
      (7)   Schedule of construction.
      (8)   Such other reasonable information as the Commission or Board may require.
      (9)   All plans, unless otherwise specified, shall be prepared by professional persons qualified in the planning of land development, traffic circulation, and building and landscape design.
   (c)   Plan Review. Upon receipt of a development plan, the application shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission and/or the ARB as specified in Schedule 738.13, the Building Commissioner (if not a member of the ARB), and to any professional consultants retained by the City.
   (d)   Approval. The approval of the Planning Commission and/or the ARB shall be based upon compliance with the standards contained in this Zoning Code and with any supplementary criteria and guidelines that the Planning Commission and/or the ARB shall adopt from time to time.
(Ord. 109-99. Passed 6-12-00; Ord. 14-23. Passed 12-11-23.)