All buildings and structures shall be located on a lot in compliance with the setback requirements set
forth in Schedule 738.05.
Schedule 738.05 Minimum Building Setbacks
Residential Uses
Non-Residential Uses
(a)   Setback from Cedar Road or Warrensville Center Road
   (1)   When the building facade facing the street includes a public entrance
   (2)   When the building facade facing the street does not include a public entrance
10 feet
30 feet
10 feet
30 feet
(b)   Setback from all other public rights-of- way
30 feet
30 feet
(c)   Setback from property line abutting a non-residential district(1)
10 feet
10 feet
(d)   Setback from property line abutting a residential district
25 feet(2)(3)
25 feet(2)(3)
(1)   Elimination of the building setback may be approved by the Planning Commission to permit buildings that are on two adjoining parcels to abut when the property owners of both parcels enter into an agreement to develop the properties as a joint development.
(2)   In no case, however, shall the setback be less than equal to the height of the building.
(3)   See also Schedule 738.08.
(Ord. 109-99. Passed 6-12-00.)