(a)   Presiding Officer May Debate and Vote. The President, or such other member of Council as may be presiding, may move, second and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by tnese rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Councilman by reason of his acting as the Presiding Officer.
   (b)   Getting the Floor; Improper References To Be Avoided. Any member desiring to speak shall address the chair and, upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language.
   (c)   Interruptions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking, unless it is to call him to order. or as otherwise provided in this chapter. If a member, while speaking is called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined, and if in order, he shall be permitted to proceed. A member once recognized may yield the floor to a fellow member, to the Mayor, or to any other official or officer of the City, but no member may yield the floor to any person who would not otherwise under these rules be entitled to address the meeting.
   (d)   Privilege of Closing Debate. The Councilman moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate.
   (e)   Motion to Reconsider. A motion to reconsider any action taken by Council may be made only on the day such action was taken or at a recessed or adjourned session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the prevailing side, but may be seconded by any member, and may be made at any time and have precedence over all other motions or while a member has the floor. A motion to reconsider shall be debatable. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent any member of Council from making or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of Council.
   (f)   Remarks of Councilman; When Entered in Minutes. A Councilman may request, through the Presiding Officer, the privilege of having an abstract of his statement on any subject under consideration by Council entered in the minutes. If Council consents thereto, such statement shall be entered in the minutes.
   (g)   Synopsis of Debate; When Entered in Minutes. The Clerk may be directed by the Presiding Officer, with consent of Council, to enter in the minutes a synopsis of the discussion on any question coming regularly before Council.
(Ord. 22-54. Passed 5-24-54.)