   The regulations in this subchapter for off-street parking and loadings are adopted in order to provide needed off-street spaces in connection with all new commercial and industrial development, including an enlargement or extension of existing development; to prevent substantial amounts of traffic from circulating and parking in residential areas near commercial and industrial development; to reduce traffic congestion resulting from the use of streets as places for storage of automobiles; to provide for higher standards of all types of development within the village; and thus to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity and other aspects of the general welfare.
(Prior Code, § 154.055) (Ord. 95-11-01, passed 11-13-1995)
§ 154.056 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   EMPLOYEES. Wherever the number of employees is a factor in determining the number of required off-street parking spaces, EMPLOYEES refers to the maximum number of employees on duty at the same time.
   EXTENSIONS, MAJOR REPAIRS or SUBSTANTIAL ALTERATIONS. Reconstruction activities increasing floor area, seating capacity or some other factor affecting the parking or loading requirements hereby established which results in an increase of 15% or more of the required number of parking or loading spaces for the use or building which is the subject of the extension, major repairs or substantial alteration, parking and loading spaces shall be provided for the total use or building as called for in the applicable section of this subchapter. These terms also include any increase in the number of dwelling units. When such EXTENSION, MAJOR REPAIR or SUBSTANTIAL ALTERATION occurs, parking spaces shall be provided for all dwelling units on the zoning lot as called for in the applicable section of this division.
   FLOOR AREA. The gross floor area of a building used or intended to be used for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients or patients, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise. Floors or parts of floors used principally for toilet or restrooms, for utilities or for fitting rooms, dressing rooms and alteration rooms are excluded. Floors or parts of floors used principally for non-public purposes, such as storage, incidental repair, processing or packaging or merchandise show windows or offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings shall be excluded.
(Prior Code, § 154.056) (Ord. 95-11-01, passed 11-13-1995)
   (A)   General provisions. On or after November 23, 1995, no building or other structure, other than a single-family or two-family dwelling, shall be erected and no extension, major repair or substantial alterations shall be made to an existing building or other structure, other than a single-family or two-family dwelling, nor shall the use of a building or other structure, other than a single-family or two-family dwelling, be changed unless there already exists, or unless provision is made for the location of, concurrent with such erection or change, accessory off-street parking spaces on the basis of the minimum requirements set forth in this division.
   (B)   Multiple-family. For all multiple-family residences designed or intended for permanent occupancy, including apartment hotels, but (for purposes of this section only) excluding boarding or lodging houses, at least one and one-quarter accessory off-street parking space is required for each dwelling unit.
   (C)   Hotels, boarding or lodging houses, dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses and private clubs and lodges. At least one accessory off-street parking space, plus one off-street parking space for each two persons for whom living accommodations are provided. If assembly halls, bars, restaurants, night clubs, retail shops, service establishments or businesses are provided, additional off-street parking spaces shall be required in accordance with the regulations for such uses.
   (D)   Motels and similar places offering overnight accommodations. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each dwelling unit or lodging room.
   (E)   Mobile home parks. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each mobile home.
   (F)   Community facilities uses.
      (1)   Aquariums, art galleries, libraries and museums. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each 800 square feet of floor area.
      (2)   Auditoriums, churches and similar places of worship, school auditoriums, gymnasiums, stadiums and grandstands and other places of public assembly. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each eight seats or each 200 lineal inches of seating space in the main auditorium or assembly hall.
      (3)   Schools, high, public and private, colleges and universities. At least three accessory off-street parking spaces for each classroom.
      (4)   Schools, elementary or junior high, public or private. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each classroom.
      (5)   Clubs, non-business and community centers. Accessory off-street parking spaces equal in number to 30% of the capacity in persons.
      (6)   Cultural, civic or historic institutions (non-boarding). At least one accessory off-street parking space for each two employees, plus one space for each 800 square feet of space intended for public use.
      (7)   Fraternal, philanthropic or health institutions for care of the aged or children, nursing homes and sanitariums. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each four beds, plus one parking space for each two employees (other than staff doctors), plus one parking space for each doctor assigned to the staff.
   (G)   Public services and public utility facilities.
      (1)   Electric substations, gas valve and regulator sites, fire and police stations, radio and television stations, telephone exchanges and water or sewerage pumping stations. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each two employees.
      (2)   Public transit or truck terminals and other similar facilities. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each two employees.
   (H)   Office buildings.
      (1)   Business involving no retail sales, professional, governmental and wholesale offices, banks and savings and loan associations. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public as customers, patrons and clients, plus at least one additional parking space for each three employees.
      (2)   Dental, medical or osteopathic offices or clinics. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each examining or treatment room, plus one for each doctor and one for each three employees in the building.
   (I)   Retail or service establishments not otherwise covered in this section. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area used, or intended to be used, for service to the public as customers, patrons and clients, plus one additional parking space for each three employees.
   (J)   Automobile services.
      (1)   Automobile service stations. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each two employees, plus one space for the owner or manager.
      (2)   Automobile laundries. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each three employees, plus one space for the owner or manager, and, in addition, reservoir parking spaces equal in number to five times the maximum capacity of the automobile laundry. MAXIMUM CAPACITY shall mean the greatest number of automobiles undergoing some phase of laundering at the same time.
   (K)   Eating and drinking establishments. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area intended for use by the public.
   (L)   Amusement facilities.
      (1)   Amusement parks, golf driving ranges, miniature golf courses and trampoline centers. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each 500 square feet of lot area intended to be used by the public.
      (2)   Bowling alleys. At least five accessory off-street parking spaces for each alley, plus additional space equal in number to 30% of the capacity in persons of affiliated uses, such as bars, restaurants and the like.
      (3)   Arcades, dance halls, gymnasiums, pool halls, skating rinks and swimming pools. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided in equal number to 30% of the capacity in persons of such establishments.
      (4)   Theaters, indoor and race tracks. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each eight seats up to 400 seats, plus one for each five seats above 400.
   (M)   Schools, business, dance, music or trade. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each two employees, plus one space for each 100 square feet of space used for instruction purposes.
   (N)   Undertaking establishments and funeral parlors. At least ten accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each chapel or parlor, plus one space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises.
   (O)   Wholesale, manufacturing and industrial plants. Wholesale, manufacturing and industrial plants, including warehouses and storage buildings and yards, contractor equipment and lumberyards, business service establishments, such as blueprinting, printing and engraving, soft drink bottling establishments, breweries, fabricating plants, research laboratories and all other establishments devoted to production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing or repairing, of material, goods or products. At least one accessory off-street parking space for each four employees.
   (P)   Other uses; uses not specifically listed in this subchapter. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required herein for the most similar use.
   (Q)   All drive-up service facilities. For all drive-up services, including, but not limited to, banks, savings and loans, restaurants and all retail stores, reservoir parking for five automobiles shall be provided for each drive-in window or station. This requirement is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any owner parking requirements as called for in this chapter.
   (R)   Computation of number of required spaces. When computation of the number of accessory off-street parking spaces required by this subchapter results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one-half or less shall be disregarded and any fraction over one-half shall be counted as one space.
   (S)   Collective provisions for mixed use or compatible uses. Accessory off-street parking spaces for separate uses may be provided collectively upon determination by the Village Building Inspector that substantial use of the parking spaces by each user does not take place at approximately the same hour of the same days of the week; provided all regulations governing the location of accessory off-street parking spaces in relation to the use served are observed. In the event any condition upon which the collective provisions of parking spaces was based on shall no longer exist such as any change of use, in availability of spaces, in hours of operation or otherwise, the full amount of required parking spaces shall be provided for each use.
   (T)   Repair and service facilities in conjunction with accessory off-street parking facilities. No motor vehicle repair work of any kind is permitted in any required accessory off-street parking facility. No gasoline or motor oil shall be sold in conjunction with an accessory off-street parking lot, except where such lot is accessory to a business having such sale as a principal use.
   (U)   Size of parking spaces.
      (1)   An accessory off-street parking space must be at least eight and one-half feet wide and be at least 18 feet long, having a minimum loading area of 153 square feet, exclusive of access drives, aisles, ramps, columns or work areas. On areas surfaced, the parking stalls shall be marked with paint or other equivalent method. On lots containing eight or more required spaces, provisions of up to 50% of the parking stalls with seven and one-half by 16 feet parking spaces will be permitted if each of the smaller parking spaces is equally convenient to the use being served as the larger spaces, if each of the parking stalls are double lined painted and if each of the smaller spaces is signed “Small Cars Only”. The Village Traffic Engineer shall determine what is equally convenient and what is not.
      (2)   Handicapped parking spaces must be in accord with the State Accessibility Code.
   (V)   Access to off-street parking facilities. Each off-street parking space shall open directly on an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to afford adequate ingress and egress. Each off-street parking facility shall be provided with an appropriate means of vehicular access to a street in a forward manner only or to a paved alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements and shall be subject to the approval of the Village Building Inspector. No driveway shall have a width exceeding 35 feet or be nearer than 20 feet to an intersecting street right-of-way line, exclusive of curb returns and shall be approved by the Village Building Inspector. All driveways shall be constructed with a portland cement concrete approach slab extending from the edge of the roadway to the right-of-way line. The slab shall provide for curbing and ramping of sidewalks, where applicable, and be subject to the inspection and approval of the Village Building Inspector.
   (W)   Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas containing more than four parking spaces shall be improved with an adequate storm water drainage system and paved with a crushed stone base, or equal, not less than six inches thick, and a wearing surface of asphaltic concrete or comparable hard-surfaced, all weather dustless material not less than two inches thick. All open accessory off-street parking areas containing not more than four parking spaces shall be surfaced and maintained in such manner to make them dust-free.
   (X)   Screening.
      (1)   All open off-street parking areas containing more than four parking spaces shall be effectively screened on each side adjoining or fronting on any residential or institutional property by a wall, opaque fence or densely planted compact hedge not less than four feet in height.
      (2)   Planting considered acceptable for screening includes, but is not limited to:
         (a)   Evergreens: Oriental Arborvitae, Upright Juniper and Hicksii Yews; and
         (b)   Shrubs: Honeysuckle, Forsythia, Privets and Viburnums.
      (3)   No screening shall be required:
         (a)   Along a street or alley;
         (b)   Between adjacent parking lots; or
         (c)   If a parking lot is more than 20 feet from a property line.
   (Y)   Regulations for the location of off-street parking facilities.
      (1)   Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served; however, uses other than single- or two-family dwellings, which are in existence on November 23, 1995, may be served in accordance with requirements of this division (Y)(1) by parking facilities located on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served is located; provided such facilities are located within 300 feet walking distance from the structure served and are located on a zoning lot which is zoned the same as the use served or is zoned in a less restrictive district or has received a conditional permitted use.
      (2)   No parking space shall be located in a required front yard.
   (Z)   Regulations for safety curbing. Safety curbing in the form of a six-inch concrete curb or other suitable barrier shall be provided along the street line, excluding alleys, for all open off-street parking areas so as to define driveways and prevent encroachment on sidewalks or public property by vehicles utilizing the faculty. Such curb shall be at least three feet from the street line.
   (AA)   Lighting. Illumination of an accessory, off-street parking area shall be arranged so as not to reflect rays of light into adjacent districts and streets.
(Prior Code, § 154.057) (Ord. 95-11-01, passed 11-13-1995)
   (A)   General provisions. No building or other structure shall be erected and no extensions, major repairs or substantial alterations shall be made to an existing building or other structure unless there already exists on the zoning lot, or unless provision is made for the location on the lot concurrently with such erection or change, off-street loading space on the basis of the following minimum requirements. For the purposes of this chapter, OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE shall include any designated or demarcated area provided for the loading and/or unloading of goods, supplies or materials used on the premises.
   (B)   Multiple-family dwellings, boarding or lodging houses, dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses and apartment hotels. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet of floor area, plus one additional loading space for each additional 150,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
   (C)   Hotels, motels, private clubs and lodges, containing no retail shops, convention halls, auditoriums, exhibition halls or business or professional offices. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet of floor area, plus one additional loading space for each additional 150,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
   (D)   Hotels, motels, private clubs and lodges, containing retail shops, convention halls, auditoriums, exhibition halls or business or professional offices. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet of floor area, plus one additional loading space for each additional 100,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
   (E)   Community facilities uses such as auditoriums, colleges, hospitals, museums, nursing homes, sanitariums, school and similar institutions. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet of floor area, plus one additional loading space for each additional 150,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
      (1)   Public service and public utility facilities. Public transit, bus terminals and post offices. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 50,000 square feet, plus one additional loading space for each additional 50,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
      (2)   Electric substations, gas valve and regulator sites, fire and police stations, radio and television stations, telephone exchanges and water or sewerage pumping stations. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet, plus one additional loading space for each additional 150,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
   (F)   Banks and all businesses retail sales, professional and governmental offices and medical clinics. One off-street loading space shall be provided for each building having 10,000 to 150,000 square feet, plus one additional loading space for each additional 150,000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
(Prior Code, § 154.058) (Or. 95-11-01, passed 11-13-1995; Ord. 09-01-01, passed 1-12-2009)