In order to encourage the timely payment of water and sewer bills, a penalty of $10 shall be added to any water and sewer bill not paid in full within 30 days after the mailing of such bill to the user of the village’s water and sewer services.
(Ord. 91-6, passed 3-4-1991)
(A) The village shall require all property owners using village water/sewer service who have necessarily had their quarterly water bills estimated for four or more consecutive quarters to install readout meters.
(B) The village will supply readout meters to customers at a cost to the property owner of $88. This cost will be billed to the property owner.
(C) The village will install the readout meter at no cost to the property owner or the property owner can opt to have the plumber of his or her choice install the readout meter at his or her own expense. If the property owner chooses to have the village install the readout meter, the property owner must schedule a time for the village to install the meter during normal working hours.
(Ord. 94-8, passed 6-6-1994)