(a)   Pawnbroker Defined. As used in this section, "pawnbroker" includes any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation engaged in the business of lending money on deposit or pledge of personal property or other valuable thing, other than securities or printed evidence of indebtedness, or in the business of purchasing personal property, such as articles made of or containing gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals or jewels of any description for the purpose of reducing or smelting them into any form different from their condition or construction when purchased, and reselling or marketing the product.
   (b)   Annual License Fee. The annual license tax to engage in the business of pawnbroker shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(Ord. 1727. Passed 2-15-90.)
   (c)   Reports.  
      (1)   All pawnbrokers doing business in the City shall be required to secure from the seller or pledger of any article of property either proof of lawful ownership or a sworn affidavit of ownership containing the full name, residence address, mailing address and the telephone number of the lawful owner of each and every article of property pledged or sold to them.
      (2)   Each such business operating, in whole or in part, as a pawnbroker shall truly and accurately list each article of property pledged or sold to such business in a permanent record book clearly showing the kind, character or any other special or unique quality or marking or serial or model number attached to or affixed to the article of property; the date and time of purchase or date and time pledged; the full name, residence address and mailing address of the seller or pledger; and the telephone number of the seller or pledger. This permanent record book shall be open to inspection by any law enforcement officer in this City during normal business hours. The information required by this section shall be preserved for a period of not less than five years. In addition, each such business operating, in whole or in part, as a pawnbroker shall report each such article of property pledged or sold to such business using an electronic database system maintained by LeadsOnline, Inc., or such other similar service or system designated by the Chief of Police from time to time, so long as such service or system is at no cost or expense to such business reporting the required information.
      (3)   Each such business operating, in whole or in part, as a pawnbroker shall report all the information required in subsection (c)(2) above on each article of property pledged or sold in writing to the Chief of Police within 24 hours of such purchase or pledge.
      (4)   No article of property pledged or sold shall be resold, given away, or loaned out or rented out or altered in any way for a minimum period of ten calendar days after the purchase or pledge of such article of property.
      (5)   Any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation having been found guilty of violating any provision of this section shall be subject to the penalty authorized in Section 733.99 and, in addition, to having his, her or its license or transact business in the City revoked.
         (Ord. 2125. Passed 12-17-09.)