Nonresidential Developments
1385.01   Procedural requirements; standards.
1385.02   Site design.
1385.03   Street system.
1385.04   Building setback lines.
1385.05   Utilities.
1385.06   Drainage.
Commercial and industrial districts - see P. & Z. Art. 1329
   Nonresidential developments include commercial and industrial developments. The Planning Commission recognizes that the subdivider creating nonresidential subdivisions faces unique problems of lot design not normally encountered in residential subdivisions. For this reason, the initial emphasis of the Commission shall be upon street layout and block arrangement. Generally, the procedural requirements shall be as set forth in Article 1379, and to show the entire tract to be subdivided with necessary improvements and as many parcels as he cares to show, but at least two. As prospective buyers express interest in lots sized to their required specifications, the owner may submit to the Commission an amendment to the approved final subdivision plat for consideration. Regular procedural requirements shall then apply. In addition to the principles and standards in these Subdivision Regulations which are appropriate to the planning of all subdivisions, the subdivider shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Commission, that the street, parcel and block pattern proposed is specifically adapted to the uses anticipated and takes into account other uses in the vicinity. The principles and standards set forth in this article shall be observed.
(1970 Code Sec. 28.1-36)
1385.02 SITE DESIGN.
   (a)   Proposed nonresidential street layout, blocks and parcels shall be suitable in areas and dimensions to the types of development anticipated.
   (b)   The total area shall be sufficient to provide adequate space for off-street parking and loading, landscaping and other facilities, as required by the Zoning Ordinance.
   (c)   Whenever possible, commercial parcels should include enough land to provide for a group of commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit. Narrow, ribbon developments along arterial streets shall be discouraged.
   (d)   With respect to physical improvements, special requirements may be imposed by the Planning Commission within the nonresidential subdivision.
   (e)   Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance from the nonresidential subdivisions, including the provision of extra depth in parcels backing up on existing or potential residential development and provisions for a permanently landscaped buffer strip when required by the Commission.
(1970 Code Sec. 28.1-37)
   (a)   Traffic movements in and out of commercial and industrial areas should not interfere with external traffic, nor create hazards for adjacent residential areas.
   (b)   The design of streets, service drives and pedestrian ways should provide for safe and hazard-free internal circulation.
   (c)   Streets carrying nonresidential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of adjacent existing or potential residential areas, nor connected to streets intended for predominately residential traffic; but shall be connected, insofar as is possible, to arterial or collector streets in such a way that the number of intersections with such arterials or collectors shall be minimized.
   (d)   Street rights-of-way and pavement shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be generated thereon. Curb radii at intersections shall be at least five feet.
(1970 Code Sec. 28.1-37)