All special services rendered by the Department of Public Works for the collection of refuse, such as bulky items, yard trimmings, tree limbs, weeds, grass cutting, leaves and other refuse of similar nature, shall be made subject to the following regulations:
   (a)   Every householder shall cut all tree limbs and other articles of similar nature to a maximum length of four feet and tie the same together so that packer trucks may be used for the collection thereof. Such bundles shall not weigh more than fifty pounds.
   (b)   All items of refuse such as yard trimmings, weeds, grass cutting, leaves and other articles of a similar nature shall be placed in plastic bags or suitable closed containers by the householder.
   (c)   All such items, prepared as aforesaid, shall be placed at the curb, alley or street, by the householder whenever possible.
   (d)   Any building contractor or other person making repairs to a residence shall remove from the lot all roofing shingles, scraps of building materials and other articles incurred in the building or process of repairing.
   (e)   No yard trimmings, weeds, tree limbs, grass cuttings, leaves or articles of a similar nature shall be placed in the street or at any other place where the same shall interfere with or obstruct a City storm sewer.
      (1970 Code Sec. 25-16.1)
   (f)   Each household shall have a sufficient number of garbage cans, in any case, no less than one, with a capacity of not more than thirty-two gallons equipped as provided in Section 955.02. The number of cans required shall be determined in the discretion of the Public Works Chief. The tenant, in the case of rental property, shall be primarily responsible for providing cans, with the landlord secondarily liable. At owner-occupied property, the responsibility of providing cans shall be that of the owner.
At any multi-unit dwelling, the cans, in the discretion of the Chief, shall be labeled with the corresponding apartment number for identification purposes.
      (Ord. 1423. Passed 9-11-83.)
   (g)   There shall be no charge for collection of the foregoing items of refuse up to one- half truck load. There shall be a minimum charge of ten dollars ($10.00) if the load exceeds one-half truck load but less than a full truck load, by volume. The charge for removing a full truck load of refuse shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).
      (1970 Code Sec. 25-16.1)