(a)   The customer's sanitary sewer line, beginning five feet from the building and extending to the tap, shall remain uncovered until it has been inspected and approved by an inspector of the Board.
   (b)   The customer shall notify the Board when the building sanitary sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sanitary sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Board or its representative. All connections shall be made gastight and watertight and verified by proper testing, at the owners expense, when necessary. Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials shall be approved by the Board before installation. If the size of the project is sufficient to require the construction of one or more manholes, an agent of the Sanitary Board shall be present for inspections during all period of construction. Inspection shall be billed on a cost of service basis.
   (c)    Anyone replacing a lateral connection to the South Charleston Sanitary Sewer System shall notify the Board in writing of such work. The replacement connection shall be constructed in accordance with 931.08 and 931.12.
   (d)   The General Manager of the South Charleston Sanitary Board is hereby given the authority to halt work on any extension, service lateral or connection to the sanitary sewer system if the extension, service lateral or connection is not being constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Article or if the construction practices are immediately dangerous to life and health of workers or the residents of the City. Failure to halt construction after receiving a written notice shall be unlawful and shall be subject to penalty as specified in Section 931.99. Provided, that the Sanitary Board manager shall provide the party performing the construction work with a list of deficiencies and when the deficiencies are corrected, the construction work may continue.
      (Ord. 1859. Passed 9-1-94.)