Editor’s note:
This chapter, formerly titled “Ohio Basic Building Code” was re-titled “Ohio Building Code” by Ordinance 2004-38, passed February 18, 2004.
1402.01 Adoption
1402.02 Purpose
1402.03 Compliance; violations
1402.04 Enforcement
1402.05 File copies
1402.06 Definitions
1402.07 Conflict of laws
1402.99 Penalty
See section histories for similar state law
Enforcement, see R.C. §§ 3781.03, 3781.031, 3781.10(E), 3781.102, 3781.19
Final jurisdiction, see R.C. § 3781.04
Power to enact further and additional regulations, see R.C. § 3781.12
Removal of unsafe structures, see R.C. §§ 715.26(B), 715.261
Smoke detection system for apartments and condominiums, see R.C. § 3781.104; O.A.C. 4101:2-89
Submission of plans, see R.C. § 3791.04