The full-time Fire Chief and the full-time Assistant Fire Chief shall be on active duty in the performance of his or her duties not less than eight hours per day and not less than five days in each calendar week. All other full-time firefighters shall be on active duty in the performance of their duties in shifts of not less than 24 hours on and 48 hours off, except that all such other full-time firefighters shall be allowed additional time off of four 24-hour periods during each calendar year, known as Kelley Days. All Kelley Days shall be taken during the calendar year of entitlement, shall not accrue from year to year and may be scheduled by the member entitled thereto, subject to the approval of the Chief. All full-time members of the Fire Department shall remain on call for the performance of their duties during emergencies on a 24 hour per day basis. They shall be entitled to the same vacation and sick leave rights as are afforded all other full-time regular employees of the city and the same uniform allowances as are afforded members of the Police Department. Personnel assigned by the Fire Chief to fire prevention duties shall be required to work no less than 40 hours nor more than 72 hours per calendar week.
(Ord. 2000-339, passed 12-18-2000)